Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Just Sayin......

That's hilarious, but I'm confoozed.........
'Extort a hooker'?
A hooker with soap?
Who beat him? Mom or the hooker?:?:

If the hooker had beat him wouldn't he have had to pay for it? Freebie's are usually mom. ;D

I remember my brother trying to extort this hooker. He skipped school and was jamming her soaps. She called my mom... I think that was the only REAL beating he ever got. And then, when mom was done, I vigorously "defended" my patent.

Funny, he's an electrician now. (Funny to catch him on the job, sneak up and go BZZZZT really loud! EVERY TIME!)

BTW, Stolis Jalapeno vodka really whoops the Llama's ass.

Why are you giving Llama's vodka? Never mind I don't want to know. In the heart lab we used dogs. They drank a lot less than Llama's too and even Alpaca's but I can't answer about Vicuña's.

Como 'sta usted? (I usually slurred my español into a bad mix of tagalog/pigspanish it saved on attempting to identify the language as I was swimming up to consciousness -- damn I'm giving away all my best trix here)

Four. Crunch crunch crunch. Three.

LOL! They aren't crunchy after their preservation in CH3 blah blah covalently bonded....


How am I supposed to know when I've gone too far without likes?


I spent a lot of time in the air playing this and other TFF music LOL. Piped through my headphones for my flying enjoyment.

Another TFF (an ex's fave)

Sounds like a good time, not the beating...

Never tried jalapeno vodka, but I have had jalapeno tequila... whoa mamma!!!
I'm sure the worm is one c2g would enjoy

LOL The way I enjoyed the worm was the guys would push the bottle over and I'd finish it off. If you are really wasted and forget to strain through your teeth you get worm. If you are doing it right and take a good belt you don't even feel it go down. Warning NEVER chew worm, spit it out if you don't straight chug it. But that's my take on worms, ymmv.

.....snip......but has a nice jalapeno heat, and a bit of the bitters.

*Mescal! We get better shit than So.Cal.

I think my days of hallucinogens are over. My problem is getting back into this dimension not getting my head out of it. My head can leave at almost anytime it chooses, haven't you noticed?

Anyway when I was running about drinking I made a very careful assessment of my choices. I put away mixed drinks. When I drank in questionable areas I ordered a bottle of whiskey, scotch or rum, sealed. Never purchase open bottles and never mix drinks. It works better that way. Oh and vodka and gin are to be stayed away from, to easy to counterfeit.

Just Sayin......

LOL Addis en route via Turkey and iRan, the armpits and crouch of the world LOL you ain't lived until you've seen the cloud of flies ..... no let's leave it there I could expand upon this subject and will not LOL! Addis Ababa LOL try moving cargo out of there during the day time. The density altitude is such if you don't get your butt off the ground by 9 am you ain't leavin'. So then you are forced to sit by the pool and sip drinks all day. Of course no one EVER planned that, uh huh, never!

Sealed bottles of the brown stuff or don't drink down range.
No work today but my little one is home from school with a bad chest cold.

Snowing outside, expected to get another 3-5 inches by tonight.
No work today but my little one is home from school with a bad chest cold.

Snowing outside, expected to get another 3-5 inches by tonight.

This cold really sucks! Humidifier and may I recommend Zicam spray? It's really shortened this one for me. Best of all it doesn't have that nasty taste Zn swill usually has so I could see a kid taking it willingly.

I'm sorry the kiddo is sick. It's tougher than being sick yourself.
This cold really sucks! Humidifier and may I recommend Zicam spray? It's really shortened this one for me. Best of all it doesn't have that nasty taste Zn swill usually has so I could see a kid taking it willingly.

I'm sorry the kiddo is sick. It's tougher than being sick yourself.
Luckily my wife has off today also so that makes it a bit easier but I still hate to see her suffer.

I think I might have that spray in the medicine cabinet but I need to pick up a humidifier yet as it is very dry in my house heating with wood.

We've been having her take hot baths to loosen up the congestion, seems to help for a while anyway.
How early did you have to start your day?

not early to most.

generally work from 4 till 11 or midnight though so by the time i get home relax have dinner ect i dont go to bed until like 2-4 am
so when i have to wake up for 8 am to go to work for 11 (i like morning time) it sucks when you got less than 4 hours of sleep :D
but it only happens every once in a while so its not that bad.
! Humidifier and may I recommend Zicam spray? .

firm believer in Zicam if you start using at very first sign. also use that stuff like alka seltzer for colds. I've got 2 humidifiers running now:) hand sanitizer in car for when I come out of store(s). tough to not be sick when you have kids in school.
I had a bad chest cold back in the fall and the only thing that made me feel remotely better were extra strength menthol cough drops. Hope she gets better soon God, I'll feel your pain.
I had a bad chest cold back in the fall and the only thing that made me feel remotely better were extra strength menthol cough drops. Hope she gets better soon God, I'll feel your pain.
Thanks Neo. She has some weak Halls vitamin C drops right now, she doesn't really like the stronger ones.

Real shitty part is now my wife says she's starting to feel ill.

Can I come hang out with you?
Luckily my wife has off today also so that makes it a bit easier but I still hate to see her suffer.

I think I might have that spray in the medicine cabinet but I need to pick up a humidifier yet as it is very dry in my house heating with wood.

We've been having her take hot baths to loosen up the congestion, seems to help for a while anyway.

You can just put a soup pot on the stove full of water and leave it on simmer as a work around. Suffering kids are tough, it's why I tried to stay very far away from peds. Then my youngest goes into neonatology, go figure.
Thanks Neo. She has some weak Halls vitamin C drops right now, she doesn't really like the stronger ones.

Real shitty part is now my wife says she's starting to feel ill.

Can I come hang out with you?

Diggity damn not wifey too! Fuck yeah you can, if you can get here in the next 25 min we can set off some fireworks and hopefully not blow our hands off together.
You can just put a soup pot on the stove full of water and leave it on simmer as a work around. Suffering kids are tough, it's why I tried to stay very far away from peds. Then my youngest goes into neonatology, go figure.

I would but my house is over 4,500sqft so I don't think it would help much. I could have her hang out in the kitchen. :-)
minne, you talking zinc for libido as the other reason? I used to take yohimbe, arginine pills and shou wu chih. Make some clams every few days. Good times