Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I wish I had a tripod and shutter release cord so I could do some long exposures of the sky.

The weather channel lies, very few clouds.


Well-Known Member
I thought the sky was gonna be raining with them lol..so it's like one every other 30 minutes or something?


Well-Known Member
I thought the sky was gonna be raining with them lol..so it's like one every other 30 minutes or something?
i think i caught one in the corner of my eye, so i stayed out for a few more minutes and saw one.
not really a shower.. more like a random rain drop.


Well-Known Member
I like to drive somewhere dark, preferably on top of a mountain...Then I like to lay on the hood of my car so the heat from the engine keeps me warm, and I just lay back and smoke bowls watching the sky.


Well-Known Member
Here? 12:10

I remember in 95' we had one helluva show in socal! It was amazingly beautiful! Like being in the red painted desert during a lightning storm. I remwmber it like it was yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Yeah,I'm like half wanna see it,and half kind of don't,but leaning more toward wanting to see one,so yeah when the heart rules the mind lol..


Well-Known Member
Here? 12:10

I remember in 95' we had one helluva show in socal! It was amazingly beautiful! Like being in the red painted desert during a lightning storm. I remwmber it like it was yesterday.
I remember one like that on my 17th birthday, back in 2000...Long ones that streaked across the entire sky, and when they shot across, it lit up the landscape as if some heavenly body was taking flash photography of the mountains from space. One of my more vivid memories, and I remember thinking to myself "I'm definately going to remember this for the rest of my life.".