Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Flaccid length has nothing to do with erection length. Tsk Tsk. you are so mean.

Well, I did offer.....

I hope to all-who-Watch that the glass piece is available online for cheap. cn

For a dabuddha vaporizer?

What's up with the drama around here lately?

Moon cycle.
I got so much rep for that tonight. I am a rep baller now.

I'm guilty of a rep spree today, was rep'ing anyone who said something intelligent, or contributed in a major fashion... until such time as it said I'd given out the max I could for the 24 hour period, anyway.

Update was canceled, let me give rep to 1 more, then I got this again:

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
Are you implying that smoking something that comes naturally from the Earth is worse than homosexuality in their eyes?

Noooo.. I'm saying that I'm being polite around my extended family who grew up, like me, isolated. My immediate family knows and supports me. The extended family still thinks they can set me up with brother so-and-so's daughter or that I'm just going through a phase (at fifty). They would rather I didn't talk about it around the "kids". The "kids" talk about it all the time and couldn't give a rat's ass. It's complicated and convoluted and tiring. Anyway, I like to keep a low profile among my fellow Saints. My dad always knows when I'm toking and will sit outside with me sometimes. He is a wonderful beautiful human being. :)
Noooo.. I'm saying that I'm being polite around my extended family who grew up, like me, isolated. My immediate family knows and supports me. The extended family still thinks they can set me up with brother so-and-so's daughter or that I'm just going through a phase (at fifty). They would rather I didn't talk about it around the "kids". The "kids" talk about it all the time and couldn't give a rat's ass. It's complicated and convoluted and tiring. Anyway, I like to keep a low profile among my fellow Saints. My dad always knows when I'm toking and will sit outside with me sometimes. He is a wonderful beautiful human being. :)

I dont know your dad Carne....but i like him already....My dad was a hard ass and as Ridgid as a freaken 2x6.......still is......dont get me wrong...I have the up most respect for him....but I could really never talk to him about anything. I gave my kids structure, but I always took the time to sit with them and talk to them about...you name it....I didnt hide anything from them about me or my past...and Its still like that with them....I had a episode with my youngest recently......it really chapped my hide....I felt confused with his actions because we have always been honest with one another....kid just let a situation spiral out of control...and being young ( a kid ) he paniced......but its done with and I love him just the same.......Im glad you have a good dad!!!!
From what I gathered, Carne has not had much luck in encountering tolerant religious folk.

Cept me of course. =P

I believe in God completely, religious sinner here all the way. (Can't help it. I'm bound to fuck up now and then.) But I can't stand it when people in our church here in town called themselves "gay tolerant". That just sounds so off to me. Like...you would never hear a gay person say "i'm heterosexual tolerant." ....To me it means you're still separating that person based on sexuality...you're still snubbing them in a way. When I was with my gf I guess is when I got really sensitive about it, because I felt like they were saying "well, you're beneath me, but i'll accept you anyway." And then we were supposed to look at them like they were so kind...? Wth? How was I supposed to respond to that? "Gee, thank you for deciding to be civil to me despite who i'm sleeping with which has absolutely nothing to do with you...however did you manage such sympathy?"
Carne! You're 50?! No offense! But...I always thought of you as like...30 tops! What moisturizer do you use? Omg you do not look 50... Edit: I asked my Asian to guess your age based on your avatar. He guessed mid thirties, late thirties max.
I believe in God completely, religious sinner here all the way. (Can't help it. I'm bound to fuck up now and then.) But I can't stand it when people in our church here in town called themselves "gay tolerant". That just sounds so off to me. Like...you would never hear a gay person say "i'm heterosexual tolerant." ....To me it means you're still separating that person based on sexuality...you're still snubbing them in a way. When I was with my gf I guess is when I got really sensitive about it, because I felt like they were saying "well, you're beneath me, but i'll accept you anyway." And then we were supposed to look at them like they were so kind...? Wth? How was I supposed to respond to that? "Gee, thank you for deciding to be civil to me despite who i'm sleeping with which has absolutely nothing to do with you...however did you manage such sympathy?"

woah woah woah!

Did not mean it that way. Was talking about the pot smoking.

I have had girlfriends in the past and gay guy friends. If it makes them happy then let them be.

Only one time I tried to talk a dude out of sleeping with another dude. And that was because he was totally using him and was leading the guy on.

Everyone has to follow their own path. Cept for assholes that piss on others path like the afore mentioned dude.
I dont know your dad Carne....but i like him already....My dad was a hard ass and as Ridgid as a freaken 2x6.......still is......dont get me wrong...I have the up most respect for him....but I could really never talk to him about anything. I gave my kids structure, but I always took the time to sit with them and talk to them about...you name it....I didnt hide anything from them about me or my past...and Its still like that with them....I had a episode with my youngest recently......it really chapped my hide....I felt confused with his actions because we have always been honest with one another....kid just let a situation spiral out of control...and being young ( a kid ) he paniced......but its done with and I love him just the same.......Im glad you have a good dad!!!!

He's an old cowboy. Rode the rodeo circuit until he damaged his back. He is stubborn, stoic, and hard as nails. I spent my whole life trying not to disappoint him. This is a man who never once laid his hand on me in anger. Never. He hated physical punishment. He said some ranch hands treat their livestock better than their own family. His disappointment was devastating. He taught by example. He never had us do anything he wasn't willing to do himself. If it was bad enough he would join in (mucking out pig pens, chicken pens, stable, etc.) He worked hard but always had time for us. He loved taking us camping. He refused to let us read or listen to music while on a trip. He said there was enough to take in just looking through the window. He was right. We were never allowed to be in our rooms or on our beds during daylight hours. He kept us busy. He was never abusive with us or mom in any way. Just a good man living a good life. He is well respected in the community. Even at 80 people still stop by to visit and ask his advice. It's been hard with his Alzheimer's but the visitors sure help. :)
He's an old cowboy. Rode the rodeo circuit until he damaged his back. He is stubborn, stoic, and hard as nails. I spent my whole life trying not to disappoint him. This is a man who never once laid his hand on me in anger. Never. He hated physical punishment. He said some ranch hands treat their livestock better than their own family. His disappointment was devastating. He taught by example. He never had us do anything he wasn't willing to do himself. If it was bad enough he would join in (mucking out pig pens, chicken pens, stable, etc. He worked hard but always had time for us. He loved taking us camping. He refused to let us read or listen to music while on a trip. He said there was enough to take in just looking through the window. He was right. We were never allowed to be in our rooms or on our beds during daylight hours. He kept us busy. He was never abusive with us or mom in any way. Just a good man living a good life. He is well respected in the community. Even at 80 people still stop by to visit and ask his advice. It's been hard with his Alzheimer's but the visitors sure help. :)

What do you think about weed and alzheimers? worth a shot? It runs in my family too.
Carne! You're 50?! No offense! But...I always thought of you as like...30 tops! What moisturizer do you use? Omg you do not look 50... Edit: I asked my Asian to guess your age based on your avatar. He guessed mid thirties, late thirties max.

Does it come in a squeeze dispenser? cn