Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Ohh the grade school days. Who wants to join the pen 15 club all you need to do is let me write pen 15 on your hands in sharpie..very exclusive club ' I shouldn't even let you in'

lets see you ask questions now dick'


Well-Known Member
I Cup anyone?

edit: completely unrelated, I just realized my liked given/received ratio is way off so I may go like happy be scared be very scared


lol they are mint chocolate oatmeal. they are green form a combination.. But you can think they are green from food coloring if you want to... lol


Well-Known Member
lol they are mint chocolate oatmeal. they are green form a combination.. But you can think they are green from food coloring if you want to... lol
oh thats too boring, im going to imagine them as filled to the brim with hash butter. to the point of tripping.

i made cookies like that once.. thats a whole other story in itself..


Sunni, you are correct...

110g unsalted cana- butter
100g light brown sugar
1 large egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (I omit)
90g all purpose flour
1 tsp matcha/green tea powder
1/2 tsp salt (omit salt if you are using salted butter)
130g rolled oats
100g chocolate chips


Well-Known Member
oh thats too boring, im going to imagine them as filled to the brim with hash butter. to the point of tripping.

i made cookies like that once.. thats a whole other story in itself..
First time she ate a brownie, it pretty much put her out. Next morning, I'm frying up some "special potatoes" and she comes into the kitchen. She watches the potatoes as I go smoke a joint in the garage. I come back in, and start stirring again, notice there are about a brownie and a half missing from the pan. She's just mindlessly picking at it, and eating them. They were made with 6 ounces of sugar leaf. Each "brownie" was a good 4 brownies. She ate the potatoes too. LoL