that's funny cuz everyone thought it looked pretty small. Even tho you got a good close up
Hmm, why would everyone agree on 4 inches, lol.....can post it with a ruler, if you like?.
Hmm, why would everyone agree on 4 inches, lol.....can post it with a ruler, if you like?
6.5 bitches, hate on.
You may want to stick a fan on that, get some good air circulation to thicken it up. Don't want it to break on ya halfway through!
You're missing the point. He'll never get a chance to use it anyway.
That would be a waste of electricity.
Holy shit a bridge just (two hours ago) collapsed on the I-5 into a river like an hour from where I live. Cross this bridge all the time going up to my friends place.
You're missing the point. He'll never get a chance to use it anyway.
That would be a waste of electricity.
And as you quickly found out, so do I lol.
Still winning guys, sorry.
yes, post with ruler pleaseHmm, why would everyone agree on 4 inches, lol.....can post it with a ruler, if you like?
6.5 bitches, hate on.
He had to defoliate for better penetration.Sooooooo cute your dick, lol.i thought if you shaved your fuzz your pecker supposed to look bigger
6.5 bitches, hate on.
is that what he calls iti'm sure the ladies go crazy when he says he'll take them back to his mom's house and let them play with his pet frog.
He had to defoliate for better penetration.