Random Jibber Jabber Thread

What can I say I love math lol

In a manner disapproved by 13 states and 47 registered denominations! :mrgreen: cn

In a manner disapproved by 13 states and 47 registered denominations! :mrgreen: cn


I guess you didn't get the memo from Scientific American, but #3, the COX-ZUCKER MACHINE, the algorithm was actually developed by David's wife, Fonda Cox.
Also, #5, TITS ALTERNATIVE, Jaques was also assisted by his transvestite wife, Mike Hunt.
I guess you didn't get the memo from Scientific American, but #3, the COX-ZUCKER MACHINE, the algorithm was actually developed by David's wife, Fonda Cox.

I knew a guy who owned a store.His last name was Hummer.His daughters name was Anita....
I knew a guy who owned a store.His last name was Hummer.His daughters name was Anita....

When I was in high school there was a little grocery store where a huge crowd of us kids hung out every morning before school. The store was called "Head's Grocery" and it was owned by a man named Dick Head. I'm not kidding.
im really not a morning person at all im very grumpy until i walk into work than i put on my fake happy smile show time, so im explaining to my friend why im pissed off and he comes back at me, like its MY fault. i maybe got 2 WHOLE words in. lol i said sometimes friends need to learn to shut the fuck up and let me rant

i feel horrific now cause i would never say that but i always wake up cranky and its like dude. i didnt need his reasonable logic behind it, i already knew it, this whole boss thing is stressing me out no one is taking my side, everyone is saying im the complainer for complain gabout having to work mornings but do i go? yes. ive never missed a shift, ive never called in sick, shes texted me at 2 am before to show up for 6am and i do it. so i can bitch if i fucking want to.
I specifically told her the fucking day i handed her my resume I DONT DO MORNINGS and thats all ive gotten for the last year . i dont apericate being called in at ungodly hours to come to work in less than 8 hours time. i DONT apericate when she texts me during the day to come in within 30 minutes and i sure the fuck dont apericate that ive not ONCE had a fucking sech. her clients will cancel ill show up to worka dn shell say oh yeah i forgot to tell you i dont need you. she withholds my pay's for weeks on end. she makes me have to remind her when im to be paid.

and i certainly dont have time for my egotistically asshole of a friend who cant just shut the fuck up and listen to me when he asks whats wrong
not fucking give me a speech about how i should be thankful for this job.and how im in the wrong.
seriously? im not in the wrong at any fucking point in this
im quitting my fucking job. I dont even care if she takes all my hours and burns them i dont need to be made felt like a fucking underling.
I dont need her to take credit for MY work.
I dont need to be talked down too or made out to feel stupid because i havent been in the business for over 15 years
I dont. I need to learn and be in an environment where I am a happy little person as usual with a set work sech.

and to my "friend" sometimes friends need to just listen.and hold back their own thoughts. sometimes being a friend means to just listen it isnt weather who is right, logical or sees the situation from another perspective its about understanding and actually being there to just hear the words of the other.
always throws me off when people change their avatars..
Found one for trolling ♥♥

Cloned some Panama Red for this yeards grow
got some Sour diesel, Grandaddy purple, AK, OG Kush
Gotta find some Train Wreck and I'm all set for 2013 :)
Does this sound good to you guys??