Random message? Anyone else?

Originally Posted by riddleme
your neglecting the bigger problem, the pic clearly puts the post count at zero and the forum script does not allow new users to send PM's untill they have a post count of 10. person would need admin privledges to do what is in that pic????

damn, thats really wierd
Umm I don't see the big deal. So someone is dumb enough to post/pm a phone number. I've given number and addy in pm's. But I live in a med state and will help anyone who asks for it.
I'm not saying it's a big deal, just random.

I also live in a Med state, but someone who doesn't even say hello or introduce themselves other than in the message before just throwing their number at me asking for seeds? I'm a nice guy...but not that nice.
I'm not saying it's a big deal, just random.

I also live in a Med state, but someone who doesn't even say hello or introduce themselves other than in the message before just throwing their number at me asking for seeds? I'm a nice guy...but not that nice.
Good point I'm not that nice myself. After listining to the msg. I doubt it's a cop set up. more like dumb kids.
tbh potroast reply is sketchy as all hell. i am really interested to find out whats going on, and i think its strange that more mod isnt interacting in the thread.
A. Well, maybe it's a mod trying to see if I'm a dumbass and I passed the test. They used a random number or someone they don't like haha.

B. A narc trying to get me...idiot.

C. Really some kid from california wanting some seeds and just a bit clueless.

Not a clue other than that :-)
what?! you think rather then makin 25 posts to have the ability to PM this guy spent time to hack the server?