Random necrosis on my white widow, Very sick


Well-Known Member
I would use ro water from the store or use your own reverse osmosis filter
plants are like 3months old but first month growth was stunted. Im at work right now ill do a home test but last time i did it didnt really help out went some weird color thta wasnt even on the scale. If its inconclusive ill go to some place that will test it, so since i only have the 7.2ph water availible, what do i need to do to lower the ph for the flush?


The fact that your leaves are waxy and curling upward is a sign of nute burn. potassium toxicity causes micro nute deficiencies, so thats why you are seeing your leaves do that.
Avoid using rapitest pH meters. Those meters are terrible and very inaccurate. also, best soil pH is 6.5. 6.3-6.8 is a good range 6.5-6.8 is better in flower as it helps increase the absorbtion of P and K.
6.3-6.5 maximizes nitrogen absorbtion. just a heads up for when you are able to access a proper meter.
If you have the money, Myron meters are the tits, but they cost around $400.

hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
So the myron ones will test soil tho?

Also this problem was occuring before the flush, I did the flush because I thought salt might be building up.

So what I need to do is flush again but this time with water from the store, and then continue on with life like this never happened? I was going to start flowering today but im going to push that back until I can get this plant back healthy. I dont get how I nute burned feeding once a week at 1/3 the recommended strength in an organic soil tho thats weird, and I mix all the water together and even use it for my smaller plants and they displayed no signs of anything. Weird.


Well-Known Member
yup do a good flush and wait a few days also forgot to ask what are your NPK FEEDING RATIOS ? IM VERY BUSY ON HERE SO I TRY TO RESPOND QUICKLY


Well-Known Member
Occurred before the flush and still deficient. You can flush again if you like but its not going to help. You should be treating a basic Magnesium deficiency...


Well-Known Member
Occured before flush and he flushed wrong so hes not going to see results till he flushes right hes got an obvious lockout of a nute from bad ph period


Well-Known Member
And 99% of deficiencies are just that, basic deficiency. If pH were an issue then most likely it would showing more symptoms than just a Mg problem. Salt build up is blamed for many. Little secret for you. Salt build has a tendency to precipitate to the TOP of the medium, showing as little crystals forming on the surface. That plants shows one issue and one issue only, a Mg def. OPs water is 7.2 which is just fine and probably just contains a bit to much calcium and/or carbonates that is throwing the balance between Ca and Mg off. The addition of epsoms salts too his diet would do them right. I have been growing container plants for decades, what would I know.......

Somewhere along the line new growers have confused the need to pH solutions such as in hydro has bled into soil growing.


Well-Known Member
How long you been growing cause again your wrong in almost all you said period its ok to say ok mabe im wrong

the thing is i had exactly the same prob did you 3 weeks ago ?
and 99% of deficiencies are just that, basic deficiency. If ph were an issue then most likely it would showing more symptoms than just a mg problem. Salt build up is blamed for many. Little secret for you. Salt build has a tendency to precipitate to the top of the medium, showing as little crystals forming on top. That plants shows one issue and one issue only, a mg def. Ops water is 7.2 which is just fine and probably just contains a bit to much calcium and/or carbonates that is throwing the balance between ca and mg off. The addition of epsoms salts too his diet would do them right. I have been growing container plants for decades, what would i know.......


Well-Known Member
I watered multiple times with full strength cal-mag :( My well waters calcium hardness is 340 ppm but the thing I thought about was after I flushed with the 7.2 ph water, I immediately watered like a hour later with nutrient solution so that would have lowered the ph of the soil me thinks! Also i added a mild cal-mag solution in a foliar spray I did and the leafs look a little healthier! So should I water with cal mag or do the epsom salt thing? Im getting the soil ph tested this after noon so we are going to track down this culprit and obliterate it! :D and guise chill you're both obviously very experienced it just seems you both have stood on different sides of the same problem! Always more than 1 way to skin a rabbit amirite?


Well-Known Member
I watered multiple times with full strength cal-mag :( My well waters calcium hardness is 340 ppm but the thing I thought about was after I flushed with the 7.2 ph water, I immediately watered like a hour later with nutrient solution so that would have lowered the ph of the soil me thinks! Also i added a mild cal-mag solution in a foliar spray I did and the leafs look a little healthier! So should I water with cal mag or do the epsom salt thing? Im getting the soil ph tested this after noon so we are going to track down this culprit and obliterate it! :D and guise chill you're both obviously very experienced it just seems you both have stood on different sides of the same problem! Always more than 1 way to skin a rabbit amirite?
Since you flushed your soil a lot, your plants are probably starving. Keep in mind Roots 707 has very little Ca/Mag in it, to use the 707 correctly I’d suggest one cup of Dolomite per cubic foot of soil, also try and Ph your water a little lower around 6.3 to 6.8 there will be more nutrients available for the roots to uptake in that range, Mg tends to lock out around 7 to 8.5…so watering with 7.2 isn’t going to free up the Mg your plant is craving. I've used 707 and my plants behaved the same way until i figured there was a lack of Ca/Mg in the 707 formula….dolomite that 707 moving forward


Well-Known Member
340 ppm well water you got hard water do you use hard water methods cause that high of ppm is up there my tap ppm is 45
I watered multiple times with full strength cal-mag :( My well waters calcium hardness is 340 ppm but the thing I thought about was after I flushed with the 7.2 ph water, I immediately watered like a hour later with nutrient solution so that would have lowered the ph of the soil me thinks! Also i added a mild cal-mag solution in a foliar spray I did and the leafs look a little healthier! So should I water with cal mag or do the epsom salt thing? Im getting the soil ph tested this after noon so we are going to track down this culprit and obliterate it! :D and guise chill you're both obviously very experienced it just seems you both have stood on different sides of the same problem! Always more than 1 way to skin a rabbit amirite?


Well-Known Member
340 ppm well water you got hard water do you use hard water methods cause that high of ppm is up there my tap ppm is 45
Sorry this is my first grow I have never heard of hardwater methods D:, but its starting to sound like I need to buy a reverse osmosis filter


Well-Known Member
Since you flushed your soil a lot, your plants are probably starving. Keep in mind Roots 707 has very little Ca/Mag in it, to use the 707 correctly I’d suggest one cup of Dolomite per cubic foot of soil, also try and Ph your water a little lower around 6.3 to 6.8 there will be more nutrients available for the roots to uptake in that range, Mg tends to lock out around 7 to 8.5…so watering with 7.2 isn’t going to free up the Mg your plant is craving. I've used 707 and my plants behaved the same way until i figured there was a lack of Ca/Mg in the 707 formula….dolomite that 707 moving forward
Good info and Ill make sure I invest in some dolomite next time around, and I have only flushed once during the entire grow. And dealing with the water I was told not to worry about it because when I mix in the fox farms nutrient they will drop the p to desired levels, buying test strips tonight the test that theory. Ah so it doesnt matter that im feeding mg, its locked out because of the Ph. But once again this is incredibly weird because I used the same soil and the exact same water for all my plants. Guess it could just be how i fed it or something else once idno.


Well-Known Member
Good info and Ill make sure I invest in some dolomite next time around, and I have only flushed once during the entire grow. And dealing with the water I was told not to worry about it because when I mix in the fox farms nutrient they will drop the p to desired levels, buying test strips tonight the test that theory. Ah so it doesnt matter that im feeding mg, its locked out because of the Ph. But once again this is incredibly weird because I used the same soil and the exact same water for all my plants. Guess it could just be how i fed it or something else once idno.
It's the roots 707, There has been a lot of issues with it,but once you have it amended with dolomite it'll work. I had a bag that measured a Ph of 5.0 right out of the bag...i learned the hard way, The MG isn't the best option for nutes, I bet you'd have better luck with a all purpose organic fert like Espoma Plant Tone. $10 at Home Depot, I use it on my vegging plants and they love it, since there is no salt in it you wont have to worry about it building up in your soil or flushing your soil.


Well-Known Member
Any 15-30-15 flower fert mix is good in flowering and a 10-52-10 in the last 2-3 weeks too..................... but i really like his idea for vegging plants dont think its gonna work in flower though


Well-Known Member
Just got home and the plant is looking in real bad shape, I am about to go to the store to grab the water, after I flushed should I water with cal-mag?