Random seed flowering/Nirvana White Widow & BlackJack grow. With Pics!!!

Hello, I'm a new member here and a part time amateur grower. Haven't done any "official" grows yet, meaning no brand seeds, soil, or nutes. But a friend of mine gave me some seeds of something :confused: from a harvest of his, he let his plants get pollinated... and he used random seeds in the mix too so this could be anything. But I figured why not and planted them. I had already planned on ordering some seeds anyway so I figured I'd plant those get some proper materials and seeds then plant those after the first were done.

So here we are...sorta. 3 of the 4 seeds I got from my friend were male...bastards, so those plants had to go. The one that is female was the runt of the bunch... but she seems to be picking up now, especially with the ferts. For lights there are 12 CFL's and 1 fluro around her. I also planted 2 seeds I received from nirvana as of yesterday. 1 white widow and 1 blackjack, both femenized although I've been reading some horror stories around here so I'ma bit worried. But all I can do is hope I keep the conditions good. They're planted in Fox Farm Light Warrior and I'll be transplanting into Ocean Forest. They're germinating/vegging in a separate area than my flowering plant, under 2 CFL's. The plan for the two females hopeful females to be is to move them to where the flowering one is now, where they will share 15 lights total receiving equal lighting from 8 each. I can always add more if you don't think that will be enough.

Any feedback/comments on my nirvana grow would be greatly appreciated as it's planning and grow are still in the early phase considering they have yet to break dirt. Picks below!


Day 3 - WW/Blackjack

Neither seed has sprouted, I'm too lazy to do an germination techniques and seeds have been naturally sprouting in soil since their beginning so I figure my chances are pretty high they'll sprout. This Fox Farm light warrior is some awesome stuff, I added just a bit more water to keep the soil a bit more moist but this stuff retains moisture amazingly. I see why it's called light warrior, can't wait to break open the ocean forest.

I'm not sure what day/week the random seed is on so for future reference I'm just gonna say it's week 6/7 about 1 1/2 weeks into flowering. If anybody comes along with insight for this kind of thing, please do share.

Week 6/7- Random seed.

I think I got heave handed with the nutes and burned my girl a bit. Been using big bloom as a foiler feeder and spraying the shit out of her. I should have probably only been doing it once a day to begin with, but the plant is budding now so I don't really wanna be spraying that shit on her now anyway. So it's back to good ol water, and I spray her a lot as I have a nice big fan to make sure she stays dry and doesn't mold.



Nice looking plant good job so far.
Sub'd for this grow can wait to see the
how the WW turns out since I will be
growing it soon.


Well-Known Member
Some ppl say you start counting flowering weeks as soon as they go 12/12. I found this to be inaccurate . If you flower after they show sex in veg is the right way . I have had to wait 2 weeks for them to show sex throwing them into flower b4 they show .Put em after and they go nuts , formed bud sites in 2 weeks. Looks like your doing a good job .Good Luck !
Well I pretty much went 12/12 a day or two after this plant started showing, I had 3 others but they weren't showing signs so I went 12/12 anyway and hoped they'd be female. I was wrong.Plant is doing ok tho, it's my first time using nutes so I may have burned her a bit. I just gave her regular water today and I'll see how she does and pick up the nutes in a few days or so. I'll try and update later today or tomorrow.
Day 1 - WW/BJ

4 new seeds (2 WW and 2 BJ) planted to germ with a new technique. Since I'm paranoid and impatient I decided to test plant to see if I did every thing properly. The directions on the soil said to put the seed in the soil then water. Normally I'd do this any way so that was no biggie. But I've never used a medium like this and as I added the water to the soil the soil fluffed up and the water floated on top. Eventually it drained and I added more water and it fluffed up more and I had to scrape soil off the top of the cup. I let that settle and stuck my finger in the soil to see how moist it was, there was a 1/2 inch layer of water in between 2 layers of soil. After that who knows what the hell happened to my first 2 seeds. So this time around I added the soil to the cups, add the water and get the soil to the moisture level I want. Then pushed a hole in the soil and add the seed, lightly cover and mist the soil then cover the cup with saran wrap and let nature do it's thing. With the wrap on I shouldn't need to add more water until the seed breaks but I'll check to see how dry the soil is in a few days. Hopefully the seed will break in a few days. Either way I'll be adding water or removing the wrap in a few days. Hopefully it's the latter. Lets go seeds!

Week 7 - Mystery seed
I've been feeding her just water in order to help reverse the burn. It wasn't that bad, and the all water feeding seems to be going well. Then again it's only been one feed since I stopped giving her nutes. I'm pretty sure it was over foiler feeding her big bloom that did it but I've decided to cut that out completely for flowering. I may use half what I normally been next watering since it's such a light fert. Depends on how my girl looks in the morning. If anybody could take a look at the pics and tell me what kind of burn/deficiency I have then that would be great. For all I know it could be heat stress or... who knows. Not me. Just assuming a burn. Overall she's still going strong tho. I decided to call her mystery seed rather than random seed because it sounds nicer. Random sounds like some shit you just picked up, mystery is much more intriguing. The branches are turning a deep shade of purple, and the leaves seem like they might as well. I've never seen a plant turn purple or any other color so I don't know how the process works. Because of all the pics I've seen I had always assumed it did it from the tip of the leaves in. Don't ask me why, I smoke a lot. But looking at my plant I think it would probably go from the center of the leaf where all the fan leaves are connected to the node out. And that's what mine is doing.The leaves haven't turned purple, but that center node on a lot of leaves is turning blood purple. If this plant turned purple I'd be super happy, those are very pretty plants and always good to smoke!

Also Threw in a few pics of my set ups. The 4 cups germinating under 2 CFL's for now. 4 will be on once they sprout. And 15 CFL's and 1 fluro for my girl in flowering. She could have been a lot bigger if I had veg'd longer but I'm hoping she stocks up. For now it seems like shes expanding roots and getting ready for a growth spurt. Buds are also getting bigger and starting to get forsty. Juuuuust a bit.


Day 4 - WW/BJ

3/4 seeds have sprouted and are pushing their way up into the world. When the last seed sprouts hopefully sometime later today I'll reset the day counting and consider it as if they all sprouted at the same time. One of the blackjack seeds actually sprouted a day ago so it has a bit of a head start. The other blackjack and ww sprouted last night. Just waiting on the other ww. I kinda wish I only planted 2 since I don't really have room for 4 large plants. So what I'm thinking of doing is vegging them all, then when my mystery plant is done veg 2 where she was with most of the lights. And keep 2 to veg where they are now with less light so they don't grow as big. Keep em vegging indoor until mid-late March early April and move them outdoor and let them grow naturally. Then allocate the lights from when it was indoor to the other indoor plant. Hopefully moving them outdoors at that time wont be bad. I don't think it frosts too bad here during that time as it should be about the time for it to stop frosting at all. I'm going to top them using a technique from Uncle Ben in order to get 4 main colas.That should delay their growth a bit as it warms up outdoors.

Week 7-8 Mystery Seed

As opposed to burn I got the feeling it was deficiency so I jacked up the nutes, she seems to be doing ok. Cant really tell if it's getting better or worse. Buds are getting fatter, not huge yet but she still has some time left. They're also forming everywhere. Older buds are getting frosty, I cant really smell because my room smells like wed at all times so its kinda hard to tell...The leaves haven't turned purple yet, just the stems. I read that the purple stems/leaves could be caused by lack of nutes and such if it's not a strain that turns purple normally. I don't think the plant is lacking anything that badly so I wanna say it's a purple strain. Guess I'll find out in a week or so, the temp get down to the mid 50's in the closet at night so if they're gonna turn it'll happen. I'll take some pics after all my little girls have sprouted and have gotten a hold of their surroundings. Basically if I'm gonna do it today it will be at the end of the light cycle before the dark cycle so I have some time.
Day 11 - WW/BJ

I could have updated every day as they sprouted and said hello, but that's boring. All my supposed girls have sprouted and are doing fine. The WW are on the left and the BJ are on the right. The WW seem to be a little smaller than the BJ plants, especially compared to the back one. But that one had a day or so head start so we'll see. It's still pretty early in so no telling the size of these plants. I plan on topping them all, just above the second node, to get 4 main colas via Uncle Ben's tech. Gonna let the plants grow a bit before I do as they're still not quite big enough, will take pics before I do and show where I plan to cut to see if I get any input as I'm still not 100% sure on this. Hopefully the little bud porn coming up will entice more people to speak up. These girls have a lot of growing and I welcome any help I can get in their raising.


Week 8-9 - Mystery seed

Well she's budding up nicely. Compared to the last time I updated buds have gotten nice and fat. On the other hand, she's nowhere near as green as she was... leaves are falling, browning, drying, and dying. I don't know if this is due to nute issues or what have you, or if it's natural. Haven't gotten any input to help, but then again I haven't been updating... but I haven't been updating due to lack of input so I could go in circles with that... Anyway I don't plan on leaving her up for much longer. Gonna need the space for 2 of my babies but she's fine for now. My stash is running low too so when that happens she might just get the ax anyway...

Day 27 WW/BJ

I've topped all the little girls and they're doing nicely. I wasn't sure if I was going to do it right, or how the plants would take to it. But it's super easy and I'm sold for life.

Whitewidow 1

She has a little burn, when I started the nutes I started a little too heavy. I even cut back on the ratio to not burn but it's cool. She's coming back nicely, plenty of time for her to recover and grow.

Blackjack 1

She had a little burn too, you cant tell because I pulled the leaves off but she's doing fine. These first two were originally the bigger sprouts, but during transplanting and the slight heavy nutes they stunted a bit. But both are coming back fine now.

Blackjack 2

I feed/water the plants in turns so these last two got less nutes, so they took better to transplanting and didn't stall at all. Topping didn't slow em down either, doing really good.

Whitewidow 2

This is the best looking one so far, she looks like a little bush. I can't wait to see how she looks bigger, and flowering...have a while for that tho but i love seeing her grow.

So all the plants are doing good, took to topping nicely and have been transplanted into their pots. I kinda started the grow early because I will be moving them outside, but it will be at least another month till it stops frosting so they have a little wait. It's ok tho, it'll take me longer to harvest but they'll have a head start and the longer the plants veg the more potent they are. From what I read at least. If you see the thread but I haven't posted in a while check back later, I don't feel the need to update that often since people aren't adding any input. But I'll keep updating so check back and see how the plants are from time to time, they'll appreciate the love.

OH almost forgot, the mystery plant is done, harvested, dried, cured (mildly) and smoked. I only got about an ounce dry off her but it was some decent smoke. I also picked up some PH up/down, and a ph meter. I don't have one for soil but I know FFOF has a ph of 6.5 (so they say) and I balance the ph of all my water/nutes when I feed the girls to 6.5. So even without a soil ph tester I'm pretty sure i can keep the soil at 6.5. Also got a pocket microscope too so I'll know when my girls are ready. Damn if looking at bud under it isn't awesome. So puuuuuurrttyy.
Day 35

Whitewidow 1

She's got past her little burn and is starting to take off, doing nice and bush like.

Blackjack 1

She taking her sweet ass time. I'm hoping any day now she starts to shoot. Doesn't matter because they can't go outside yet so...

Whitewidow 2

She is as good as I can ask for. The best topped plant by far and the best growing. Can not wait to get her outside so she can take off...may start moving her out and back in at night. Thats a lot of work tho.

Blackjack 2

She doing pretty good too. Has a little deformity but I think that was due to heat. Moved the plants so I'll see how things go.
Plants are doing nice, didn't realize it had been so long since I updated. This isn't really an update, more like a mini update to prep for a future update. Three of the plants are now outside and adjusting to the environment and whims of mother nature. As spring kicks in more they'll start to take off, they're already a nice size as is. I left one inside and switched it to a 12/12 cycle, gonna see if I cant speed up the process whole nature does it's thing elsewhere. I also have 10 more seeds planted, 2 Nirvana Full Moon, Bubblelicious, Raspberry Cough, Ice, and Blackberry. 8 have sprouted and will be getting topped in the next day or so before being transplanted. 2 didn't sprout so I replanted them, the Full Moon has since come up and is doing nice as a sprout. The replanted Blackberry has yet to sprout and I'm hoping it does today or tomorrow. Once I get all those situated and outside I'll do a full update. Not sure if I'm going to start a new thread for the new plants or add them to this one, either way the update should be ready around a week or two.
Ok so another quick mini update, I had planned to update on 4/20. Nice beautiful lovely sunny day, but I was way too fuckin stoned for that. And it's been raining since so I haven't gotten out there to take pics. So the next sunny day I'll get to that update. As for the plants, they're all doing pretty good except one of the white widow plants. All are outside, and most have been topped, I think 2 are still growing enough to be topped. They're still sprouts. The two flowering are doing nicely. The blackjack is doing really good, the white widow is recovering from being over watered. The other blackjack plant is ok, it looks like it's about to switch into flowering as well.