Random thread to post grow pics in

Elephant Day 30. Only 16 square feet (tiny area). :)

@abe supercro & @TheMan13 are correct although reservoir was there just running it outside of tent.IMG_20151212_175420.jpg
So, the plants were the true missing component. Moved my three that vegged longer than I liked due to in & out of hospital. They are mini trees that are beyond bushy.IMG_20151212_230918.jpgGoing to work them into netting better over the next few days as they acclimate to the lighting.
Early Polaroidspoloroids of plants indoor 04 05 001.jpg indoor Train Wreck/ A.K.A. Ethel and ? 1000 MH in the bedroom. Fox farms Ocean Forest H2o in veg and Supernatural Bud Blaster/ Liquid Karma/ Bat Guano 0-7-0 in bloom.