Randy Moss is a Viking once again!


Well-Known Member
I think so too, the Jets are on their game this year (so far anyway).

What do you expect the Moss - Favre relationship to be like? Favre has never been one of the showboaters, and Moss throws a hissy when he doesn't get 1,000 catches in a game.
Moss will be a great addition this will open a lot of shit up. He may be old but he is still a major threat. I think farve will go crazy and just wait and see what peterson is goona do now.


Well-Known Member
Without Sidney Rice farve is sucking ass right now. He needs Moss. Moss is a bitch, plain and simple, but he is good. Between Harvin, Rice & Moss. He will have a hard time , but that is when he is great.


Well-Known Member
A guess a better question would be, can Favre's arm keep up with Moss' speed? Favre looked fantastic last year, but I just don't see it this year. He doesn't have the field vision he's known for. He's got 6 INTs already... he only 7 all last year!


Well-Known Member
Go purple people eaters. Makes my Moss jersey good again.​
Yeah mine too! I hope he keeps the same number. This will open the deep threat again but only a little slower than normal. lol Brett looks like he's on vicodin again but wtf, it should be interesting.