Garden Knowm
The Love Doctor
IT is impossible to know if somebody besides YOURSELF is lying..
thus, accusing somebody of lying is the BIGGEST LIE of them all..
The concept lying is an (subjective) interpretation of a (subjective) interpretation...
When somebody accuses another person of lying.... do you know what they are really saying about themselves?
The accuser is the defender of their own DELUSION..
"MY DELUSION is more correct than yours.... therefore, you are a liar..."
lol... like 2 dogs chasing their own tales...
it's cute... but there still dogs and they still eat my left overs and sleep at my feet..
thus, accusing somebody of lying is the BIGGEST LIE of them all..
The concept lying is an (subjective) interpretation of a (subjective) interpretation...
When somebody accuses another person of lying.... do you know what they are really saying about themselves?
The accuser is the defender of their own DELUSION..
"MY DELUSION is more correct than yours.... therefore, you are a liar..."
lol... like 2 dogs chasing their own tales...
it's cute... but there still dogs and they still eat my left overs and sleep at my feet..