New Member
i dont get bent out of shape as i said i love music from A-Z but you are the only funny one here and as i said you are just making a fool out of yourself and thats whats really funny about it.It's just funny cause you said it to me on your thread.
Why get so bent out of shape just because someone outwardly dislikes the "music" you listen to.
Some people hate country
Some people hate rock
I hate fu*king rap
(just because i started a rap post you really think thats all i like musically

so why dont you use your brain cell and post something positive instead of trying to make a mess everywhere you go on every thread/post.
its a small community here and everyone knows who is who so just remember that or learn the hard way.
(good luck).
and its quite simple if you dont like rap then why listen to it

dont make sense to me but hey what would i know