Rap haters and rap thread haters thread

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i dont like the stanky leg type of shit either ,but i wouldn't say hip hop is dead
its funny how it died when it left the north east, music like what ever pop music is at the time has always a songs the depicted a dance, a song or to the was all about how to do the dance, this is music even songs like stanky leg has its place, i dont like it but when im at a club or at a party and that shit comes on i find myself moving chitown im from the chi too and i grow up on house music , i hate going to juke party's but i go , every type of music has its place. it depends on what zone im in (mind state)- i hate to here rapper ruin a song by talking about all the shit they gat like who give a fuck, but i guess that has a place also- i dont agree with im inlove with a stripper- but the melody was killer, the truth is music set your mood , like drugs, there uppers and downers, theres song thatly make you forget about every sexy as chik at the club and just want to puch out the next bitch ass fucker the passes, and theres song thatly make you fuck your best friends wife

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I hate music
I hate coming home to a full inbox from people complaining about everyone else posting bs attacks and insults. Grow up. Or move along. I see about 6 post deleted for breaking the rules in the last 3-4 pages. You know who you are. Thanks Luda for pointing the rules out to everyone. I think most people havent even read the rules. Its ok Im in the mood to notch the ole ban stick. :evil:


Active Member
To be eclectic is a gift i suppose...

Anywho, imho, not ALL rap is bad. Just the rap that rips from other artists... creativity (or what their passing off as creativity in that scene ) these days just seems incredibly bleak... or lack luster if you will. I remember the days where you could actually talk about the lyrics of a hip hop or rap song and actually discuss the MEANING behind the music that the artist had made. Now a days its about swag, drugs, fucking, and ripping music and samples off from other artists.. Its all about the next catchy beat, or hook, the next fad if you will... Too gimicky for me. Any way, ive always believed that music is expression of self. And what ever you put out, you get back. So if i hear a rap song and it only has 2 simple verses, i think, wow, this "artist" must have the most boring and simple train of thought. Songs that leave a lasting impression for years are sadly becomming a thing of the past. And i blame that (even though its not my place) on the want and greed for money over the passion for the music and the fans.

Just my 2 cents

dimension 2350

New Member
I like some rap. I don't like the one's that bring up god though. You say your killing people but worship god? That would be fine except they say they rap about there life and that's why I don't like them. 2Pac was a fucking racist! I hate wiggers more than anything.

Straight up G

New Member
2Pac was a fucking racist!
I disagree

I see no changes. Wake up in the morning and I ask myself,
"Is life worth living? Should I blast myself?"
I'm tired of bein' poor and even worse I'm black.
My stomach hurts, so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch.
Cops give a damn about a negro? Pull the trigger, kill a nigga, he's a hero.
Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares? One less hungry mouth on the welfare.
First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal the brothers.
Give 'em guns, step back, and watch 'em kill each other.

This isn't racist it's true.