Rare Dankness: 501st OG HERMIES!!!

One thing I see for certain when it comes to "proof" RD has none.
More strains than you can keep up with and nothing on any of them.

^You see that right there is what this thread truly is all about. I personally don't give a shit what GDP Rep's agenda is, or whose rep should've contacted whom first... seriously nobody fucking cares. What everybody does want to know however is how this little unknown company out of Colorado can literally just spring up out of nowhere overnight with sixty(?!?) something or whatever the number "strains" and yet still has virtually no visual proof or documentation to go along with a majority of them??
People are watching RD very closely, believe you me. The math and time involved simply don't add up here. What all of the signs do suggest however is that the company has a collection or at least access to some very elite cuts, yes, but then simply pollinated on blast nearly everything with just two (and what are looking to be possibly unstable) males - the RD#1 and Nevilles Wreck if I'm not mistaken - and then rushed all of the ensuing F1 seeds quickly onto market fresh on the heels of their first, and very much publicized, Cannabis Cup "upset" win.

Kind of makes you wonder...

Ok, I honestly think that is part of the problem. I'm not one that has appreciation for telling people how they, should have, done things because I feel it's counterproductive to moving on and resolving issues. However in this case, I believe the way you went about could the reason for your lack of response from RD.
Okay, I guess I agree with that.

Just looking at the title of this, it looks like a flame thread. If I put GDP: KENS KUSH HERMIES!!!!! I have a feeling that you would have asked me to PM you about this issue before taking it on a public forum. As of now, if someone googles Rare Dankness: 501st OG there is a very strong possibility they will find this thread which will most likely turn them off from purchasing. So just by creating a thread title like this, you have hurt RD's credibility as a source for quality genetics. Their quality is certainly most open for debate, as there is limited information about them but this thread does not debate anything.
If I saw that thread I would hop in REAL QUICK! I wouldn't wanna see something like that, but it happens. TGA gear was hot, I purchased some seeds. Now people are complaining of hermie issues. I don't necessarily think someone should wait to post results or problems. I can appreciate that though, it would be really respectful, but not necessary entirely.

If you were questioning whether or not these are herms, you could have made a thread in the infirmary forum or general growing forum without stating what strain the seeds are. This way you could have input on if they are hermies, if force sexing them under 12-12 then putting them back to a full light schedule could cause hermies, and any other discussion about why this could have happened without seeming as if you are calling out RD. Once you confirmed they were herms, that is the point when I would have PM'ed Mrs. RD. I have talked to her before, and she is quick to respond. If you didn't find her response satisfactory, then I think it would be reasonable to start a thread detailing your experience. Hyopthetically if you contacted Mrs. RD personally, she might have gotten you replacements, you could have grown them out and things could have gone either way. From those replacements you could have gotten ten healthy plants to report back on and provide a positive review of your experience. Or you could have gotten ten more janky herms and report on that as well. We will not know now.
Ya, but you don't think there should be ANY mention of the strain? Most people ask that question first :)
Again I agree with what you say, It's a little too late to change things now though.

I don't believe that making a different account here would have changed anything. First it's against the TOU regardless of reason. Second at the end of they day you are still a rep for GDP, and people would hold that against you for calling out another company. I've read your posts on here and ICMag, most of everything you said seems reasonable and of an intelligible origin. But when average consumers such as myself see a thread titled this way, after no private communication was attempted, and the mention of trying to form some sort of business relationship to them, it does cast an imagine of ill intent. If RDMI posted a thread about problems with GDP seeds before contacting you, Ken, or someone I would be saying the same thing to him.
I wasn't really necessarily looking for a business relationship more than a "friendship?"
But, yet again, I see your point....

This thread has brought out the RD haters, and the RD fans. Everyone has points that can held as true. I'm undecided. I've seen the work that Scott has done and that is what convinced me to buy the seeds I have. It's disheartening to see threads such as these, because it'd be a lie to admit it didn't make me question if my purchase was worth it. But this thread alone will not dictate my opinion on RD, I haven't formed one yet. I will let my own experience with the seeds decide that when the time comes to pop some. Just as my opinion will be formed of GDP when I pop my GDP beans.
I totally agree... I said I have two of their other strains running now. I will be buying more I'm sure. This incident alone IS NOT enough to call their strains garbage, or imply bad breeding. This very well could be my fault. I HONESTLY had never done this before, where I put the seedlings in flower to force then back to 24 hr. schedule. I had read that It's a safe way to find out quick, so you could then take clones. I am not here stating that I couldn't have possibly played a role.

So Mrs. RD, Scott, someone... even RDMI is missing now... what's the deal? I just want to hear it from the horses mouth.

I'm about done with this thread though. I'll just have it closed... I've said what I wanted to say, explained myself the best way I know how, was polite (mostly), and have been patient. This is a very poor example of how these forums are supposed to work. Almost EVERY seed company has an online presence, wants to hear from fans/customers alike and enjoy any and all feedback. Negativity is rampant on the internet, even more among rival seed companies/breeders. GDP and RD are in no way in competition to one another nor a rival to one another. We are based out of two completely different states where we offer high quality meds to our patients. AND that's where it started. We never planned to be some huge seed company, they were available at shows and to patients only. Plus WE only have 2 strains right now. None that are the same as RD. We do have our "Kens Kush" though. Not a pure OG by any means.
How can you just pollen chuck and end up with 25% THC? You cant! Now as far as being stable, I'm not sure. Let me grow out 5 of their strains, then I will tell you. I have 3 going and I'm about to pop long peaks blue and GTH#2.
How can you just pollen chuck and end up with 25% THC? You cant! Now as far as being stable, I'm not sure. Let me grow out 5 of their strains, then I will tell you. I have 3 going and I'm about to pop long peaks blue and GTH#2.

How do you know the pheno that tested that high is even obtainable in a single pack of their beans? You don't! Those tests come out different at every other lab so I take those numbers with a grain of salt anyway.
How can you just pollen chuck and end up with 25% THC? You cant! Now as far as being stable, I'm not sure. Let me grow out 5 of their strains, then I will tell you. I have 3 going and I'm about to pop long peaks blue and GTH#2.

this is what i've been saying the whole time, riu members will fall for anything that sounds good. go to the farm and look under rd forum. you will see someone posted the results from that test and it clearly shows that the actual thc was only at 16.43% and the thca was at 9% making it a total of 25%+. from my understanding thca doesn't count do to the fact it's not active.
hello everyone... here i go.
I haven't responded before because
1. i am a very rational person. I will not ever just jump on a thread and bad mouth, damage, upset, ect, ect another person.
2. I wanted to really think about how to respond, get more info and do some research and make sure all the personal people I know had no issues.
3. My first thought was what a malicious ,bold thead or someone very young that posted it. But I wanted to see how it played out a while and not jump to conclusions.
From the title to the way it was handled The thread was put up to get attention and it did..

As most of you know that there are 3 types of herms cannabis growers deal with.
1. A true Herm., like the THAI strains. Where you have bananas all over , evenly distributed.
2. A early flower herm, which will show up in the first 15-25 days of flower, .. where a few show up on the base stem .Mainly light issues, flipping a plant back and forth between veg and flower, overloading phosphorus, or hard PH swing. You might see it once and never see it again. ie... CHEM D, East Coast Sour Diesel
3. The late flower herm presents it self on the very end of the calyx of the bud. Also a stress induced herm.. plant not getting enough nitrogen, bad flush, over flowering, ... some strain will all always to it.. ie....Original New York City Diesel, Head band

EVERY cannabis strain can and will herm if not in it's proper dialed in enviroment.

So after taking my time, seeing the pics, I believe we are seeing herm definition #2

You should not ever force your plants, unless you have to...

That is my trueful aswer. I'm not going to argue, fight , or back lash anyone. and yes it could have been handled better from the start on a business level.

This 501st has been grown and produced for sale for Southwest Alternative disp. , River Rock, Cherry Co. With no issues

I hope GDP the best, hold no ill will and everyone else who has defended RD , it's ok. This is business.
GDP is welcome to contact me if he has any other questions or comments, he can PM me. I will not be back on this thread.

But I will clear up other things:

there is NO ERIK at RD

THA DOCTA does not work for RD.. he was a "friend" at the LA show... so if you are contacting him, your wasting your time.

If i did not respond to emails, it means no disrect.. I did not get some emails during the Feb/march months and have since switch servers.

and to JJFOURTWENTY if i am correct, you are the same JJ from the OVERGROW days... where moonshine had his forums until it's demise and IC took it's place
and should know that MOONSHINE has been breeding since the late 1990's.
Now if we would have released these under the MOONSHINE SEEDS Co (still up on ICMAG) you wouldn't and couldn't continue to bitch and moan anout RD being a new company. Some of the strains have been in his collection since 2003, only release to friends(underground breeders) but now he's putting them into production.
So I'll explain it to you as I would a 6 year old.. ALL WE DID WAS RENAME THE COMPANY NAME. That's it.
It's like the MGM Studios Theme park in Florida changing their name to Disney Hollywood Studios.. Disney Always owned the theme park , the same rides, same company, just CHANGED THE NAME.

Hope this clears up the issues.
Mrs. Rare Dankness
Do you feel these seeds were tested?

Tested where? Any online grows/test threads. I see a ton of F1 crosses RD is releasing but zero test threads.
One of the reasons I support the Breeders I do is the documented threads posted online with photos showing results of different phenos so the grower knows what he is getting into.
Of course after having some experience I like dabbling with and growing some of the unreleased untested gear too.. but I don't pay $80 a pack for that stuff.

I probably would have purchased a few RD packs had the company released and published test data and documented results online. Really hoping this company isn't releasing all mostly all untested F1s at our expense. To say a dispensory tests it.. well anyone can say that. Where's the photos/threads? Why isn't this information made public since you claim there are zero issues?
hello everyone... here i go.
I haven't responded before because
1. i am a very rational person. I will not ever just jump on a thread and bad mouth, damage, upset, ect, ect another person.
2. I wanted to really think about how to respond, get more info and do some research and make sure all the personal people I know had no issues.
3. My first thought was what a malicious ,bold thead or someone very young that posted it. But I wanted to see how it played out a while and not jump to conclusions.
From the title to the way it was handled The thread was put up to get attention and it did..

As most of you know that there are 3 types of herms cannabis growers deal with.
1. A true Herm., like the THAI strains. Where you have bananas all over , evenly distributed.
2. A early flower herm, which will show up in the first 15-25 days of flower, .. where a few show up on the base stem .Mainly light issues, flipping a plant back and forth between veg and flower, overloading phosphorus, or hard PH swing. You might see it once and never see it again. ie... CHEM D, East Coast Sour Diesel
3. The late flower herm presents it self on the very end of the calyx of the bud. Also a stress induced herm.. plant not getting enough nitrogen, bad flush, over flowering, ... some strain will all always to it.. ie....Original New York City Diesel, Head band

EVERY cannabis strain can and will herm if not in it's proper dialed in enviroment.

So after taking my time, seeing the pics, I believe we are seeing herm definition #2

You should not ever force your plants, unless you have to...

That is my trueful aswer. I'm not going to argue, fight , or back lash anyone. and yes it could have been handled better from the start on a business level.

This 501st has been grown and produced for sale for Southwest Alternative disp. , River Rock, Cherry Co. With no issues

I hope GDP the best, hold no ill will and everyone else who has defended RD , it's ok. This is business.
GDP is welcome to contact me if he has any other questions or comments, he can PM me. I will not be back on this thread.

But I will clear up other things:

there is NO ERIK at RD

THA DOCTA does not work for RD.. he was a "friend" at the LA show... so if you are contacting him, your wasting your time.

If i did not respond to emails, it means no disrect.. I did not get some emails during the Feb/march months and have since switch servers.

and to JJFOURTWENTY if i am correct, you are the same JJ from the OVERGROW days... where moonshine had his forums until it's demise and IC took it's place
and should know that MOONSHINE has been breeding since the late 1990's.
Now if we would have released these under the MOONSHINE SEEDS Co (still up on ICMAG) you wouldn't and couldn't continue to bitch and moan anout RD being a new company. Some of the strains have been in his collection since 2003, only release to friends(underground breeders) but now he's putting them into production.
So I'll explain it to you as I would a 6 year old.. ALL WE DID WAS RENAME THE COMPANY NAME. That's it.
It's like the MGM Studios Theme park in Florida changing their name to Disney Hollywood Studios.. Disney Always owned the theme park , the same rides, same company, just CHANGED THE NAME.

Hope this clears up the issues.
Mrs. Rare Dankness

That is bullshit, Moonshine didn't have 90% of these strains two years ago, go to ICmag and read up;)
I would bet Moonshine made atleast 80% of his strains that are listed for sale, in 1-2 runs in the last 1-2 years.

Go read his threads on ICmag, he mentions nothing of these strains years ago?

He pollen chucked a shitload of elites, they are ALL F1's and never worked.
Wait? Faceoff OG was not released until 2010, HellsAngel OG was released in 2009, Skywalker was released in late 2009 or early 2010. That doesn't make sense because these strains weren't released until a few years ago. RD started selling these in 2011. That means he had about one to two years to perfect these. Just saying.
Im just going to point out the obvious.. This guy has been breeding since the 90s, 30 years and we have no documentation on his strains? LAUGH, the bullshit is overflowing. I decided to create my own strain awhile back and I am documenting every step of the way. Thats how I ensure its going to turn out the way I want it to be...

Is Hazeygrapes involved in RD?
WOW... RD through Seed Depot is now offering a Pre-Order Special of their overhyped and untested OG crosses!!!

---------------------> http://forum.theseeddepot.com/showthread.php?585-Exclusive-Rare-Danknes-OG-drop-date-SPECIAL!!! <--------------------

for only $481.39?!? Be sure to jump on this RIU seed collectors!!:o

Nightmarecreature, SketchyGrower ^^ have you guys seen this yet?? :razz:

I saw that, probably wouldve been ALL OVER IT, then this happened. Plus, to be honest. Way too many companies out there with excellent customer service, w/o reps who just talk shit, and point fingers... I'll stick to CGS, and others.
WOW... RD through Seed Depot is now offering a Pre-Order Special of their overhyped and untested OG crosses!!!

---------------------> http://forum.theseeddepot.com/showthread.php?585-Exclusive-Rare-Danknes-OG-drop-date-SPECIAL!!! <--------------------

for only $481.39?!? Be sure to jump on this RIU seed collectors!!:o

Nightmarecreature, SketchyGrower ^^ have you guys seen this yet?? :razz:

Yes, I did but I'm not interested. I bought 6 packs of RD gear and I have enough now. I don't mind spending money and testing gear out. It's part of the fun. If I was growing for profit, I'd stick to large yeilding proven strains. I already found one good looking pheno. RD is not the only company I'm testing out. I have Gage Green Genetics Grape Stomper and I also wanted to try out House of Funk but I'm out of luck. Most people wait for others to grow the strains out, when they are good they copy them. How many people here have actually smoked RD gear? I bet next to none. Their stuff is great, top shelf and dank. If they would have started up in Cali, then you would have seen grow logs and testing. The testing should have been done outside of friends and growers who dont document, that was a mistake. No one knows what pheno's to look for. They really should have waited till everything was documented and posted on it. I really dont mind but half the people do.
Are these seeds F1's or is this hear say?

One thing that concerns me is I have been told alot, is while the RD bud is really good and dank, people are finding a seed or two in their bud. I have heard this from mutiple people. The RD bud that I tried did not.
Wha wha what? I'm so shocked no one paid any attention to him clearly admitting it was his fault, after tooting his horn about how good he is.
I've put two 6" clones of Chiesel and dj shorts bb outside beginning of march in Colorado. They went from 24hrs of light to 12hrs, snowed on twice, and had no hermie issues when I harvested in October.
...for a gardener, my nails are PRETTY damn clean!!!

After uploading, and trying to see the males, it's hard, but you can tell something other than a calyx is there.

haha i clicked a pic and was gonna go and give you shit for biting your cuticles like i do, so thought it was funny you posted about your nails too...your fingers really stand out in the pic lmao.....so ive never force flowered but im gonna throw the idea out there that maybe this strain reacted poorly to the stress of being forced then put back into veg?? just an idea as i said i dont ever force flower