Rare dankness/rd genetics


Well-Known Member
damn for sure, sucks bro. They'll never get my time or money. Thanks for the heads up, sucks that you had to get it like that though.

Rare D MI

New Member
I informed mrs RD of this. That is not how they agreed seeds would be sent out with the new packaging. She is pissed, TSD is going to get an ear full. Thanks for posting this so it can be taken care of so that no other customers will receive beans like this.


Active Member
They repackaged them because the new seed packs can get crushed. They put them in a vial. They should have been left alone. RD will figure it out when their gear is getting crushed.

That plastic you see in the picture is to keep your seeds from being crushed. Yeah it's messy but I have never had a crushed seed. I see vials, Attitude uses zip lock bags. My last Attitude order some of the seeds were crushed, I paid for insurance and they wont respond back. The Seed depot gets my seeds 7 days quicker than the Attitude and is cheaper. The Seed Depot beat Attitude on every level except selection. I wont use Attitude ever again.

BTW The Attitude gave me 4 seeds during a promo, The Seed Depot gave 10 away.


Well-Known Member
That's not the point dude, I think we all understand the function of a seed vial and the plastic piece seed depot uses. They way they tape shit is the problem. The first order I got from them was fine, two packs from RD both of which were in vials. My second order for 2 more packs of RD the seeds came in loose baggies which I'm ok with. But whoever was packaging at TSD overwrapped my bags in tape beyond reason. There were several pieces of tape going over the opening of the bag and there was so much tape wrapped around the bags it was impossible to remove any tape without ripping the bags. I decided just to cut the bags open and let the seeds fall out onto a piece of paper because it was impossible to remove the tape. Done with tsd for now. Hopefully attitudes selection improves.

The attitude changes their free seed offers regularly. TSD gives away the same pack of g-13 haze with every order I've got. BFD


Well-Known Member
They tape them together so they probably don't get lost during packaging.

That plastic you see in the picture is to keep your seeds from being crushed. Yeah it's messy but I have never had a crushed seed. I see vials, Attitude uses zip lock bags. My last Attitude order some of the seeds were crushed, I paid for insurance and they wont respond back. The Seed depot gets my seeds 7 days quicker than the Attitude and is cheaper. The Seed Depot beat Attitude on every level except selection. I wont use Attitude ever again.

BTW The Attitude gave me 4 seeds during a promo, The Seed Depot gave 10 away.
that's fine.. I have had over 20+ orders from attitude come to me with NO problem.. they put my seeds in metal tins to insure they don't get busted up if the breeders packaging is only a baggie (did for free). This order from TSD I ordered on 4-2-12 I got it on ((5-6-12)) WAY to fucking long! very unprofessional IMHO. I mean I lost three seeds because the tape was stuck on so well it ripped the damn baggies

I have ordered from
Irie Vibe Seeds
The SeedDepot

out of those TSD is by far the worse ... again IMHO on the subject


Well-Known Member
Who put the seeds in the little vials, RD, or TSD?

My last order I got Cougar Piss in a little baggie and 4-Corners in the little vial?

It also looked like a 2nd grader taped the fuck out of it, I just hope I got what I paid for.


New Member
The packaging was changed in order to cut down on the cost of the beans and it was done in a very short period of time so we could drop the price as many people were complaining about the price being too high.

I'd be happy to extend a price discount to any one else who ordered around the time the packaging changed and did not receive the old packaging which was more expensive. There are number of options we can offer anyone who is not satisfied with the packaging, please just PM me on our forum or email us through the Help Desk page on the site.

My PM function does not works on RIU, so anyone who has any issues, please either PM me on our forum or contact us through the Help Desk Page and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible over the weekend.

Our objective was to cut down the price of the seeds, not to offend any one with the packaging or tape.

Please keep in my that we also ran a buy 1 get 1 free promo and we run all kinds of promo's all the time. We have consistently been the best priced Seed Bank on RD Genetics and many others too. My main objective is delivering the best genetics for the lowest price possible. Clearly I didn't pay attention to the detail of the packaging, but I am more than willing to do what I can to make those who have complaints about the packaging happy.

Someone also mentioned freebies earlier too, we have several varities that we give away, including the G13 Haze, a number of varieties from Classic Seeds, Homeless Seeds (great project by the way), we've got freebies from SoCal Seed Co. now and more on the way from a number of others. If anyone has a specific freebie request, please let me know and I'd be happy to add in whatever we can. We always give out at least 10 freebies, sometimes more depending on the order.

This packaging issue is my fault, I was only interested in seeing the price drop by $20 per pack rather than the look of the packaging. Clearly I was wrong, and my advice to Mrs. Rare Dankness clearly wasn't in line with what some here want.

I'd be happy to do whatever I can to address and resolve any one who has an issue with the packaging, just get in touch with me.

- J.B

P.S - Regarding the tape and plastic piece that we use to protect the seeds, the objective is to keep the seeds together, crush proofed and get the seeds to people quickly and safely. If 3 seeds in 10 were damaged despite the plastic cover, that tells me that it if hadn't been for the plastic all 10 would have been crushed.

Allowishus Gooberhagen - I can't PM you here, please contact me about those HOF beans.


Active Member
that's fine.. I have had over 20+ orders from attitude come to me with NO problem.. they put my seeds in metal tins to insure they don't get busted up if the breeders packaging is only a baggie (did for free). This order from TSD I ordered on 4-2-12 I got it on ((5-6-12)) WAY to fucking long! very unprofessional IMHO. I mean I lost three seeds because the tape was stuck on so well it ripped the damn baggies

I have ordered from
Irie Vibe Seeds
The SeedDepot

out of those TSD is by far the worse ... again IMHO on the subject
To each their own. I am not a happy Attitude customer. No free crush proof tin. $10 to ship stealth and $16 to ship. $26 plus a tshirt rag I can wash my car with. (The G-13 shirt is the only one I have kept He He)I have made five orders from the Attitude and two orders have had crushed seeds. I paid for insurance and they wont even email me back. When I have spent $200 on crushed seeds and then $200 later have the same thing happen, that's bs. TheAttitude is the McDonalds of the seed world. Hell McDonalds has better customer service.

I have yet to see ANY Attitude rep frenquent the board willing to help out like J.B. will. Attitude insurance is worthless. J.B. at TSD is insurance.

To TSD: Stop using tape and use a few rubber bands to hold the vials or packages together.
Who put the seeds in the little vials, RD, or TSD?

My last order I got Cougar Piss in a little baggie and 4-Corners in the little vial?

It also looked like a 2nd grader taped the fuck out of it, I just hope I got what I paid for.
How was that cougar piss? did you crack it


Well-Known Member
I even switched to coffee cups from the tude. I have a stack of shitty paradise seeds cups AND crushed seeds. Emailed them, they told me to get fucked.


Well-Known Member
on a side note, ordered Hillbilly Armor last week. Was still twitching and shit for a fix so I ordered Long's Peak Blue the next day. Hope I don't have 2 more packs of G13 coming from the seed depot. I didn't know that was it every time unless specified. If so I will certainly remember to add memo on next order. Are we spoiled to bitch about free seeds? I just sent Dr. Greenthumb $200 for 2 G13 seeds, I have the free G13 seeds right here from past seed depot order. Maybe I should have tried them first, lmao.


Active Member
Even several of my G.G.G seeds were crushed in a plastic crush proof container. They got pinched. It's ironic I ordered Grape Stomper.


New Member
@Allowishus Gooberhagen email replied to. Getting late, off to bed but I'll be available all weekend and checking email.

I would like to say one thing though about that little plastic piece we protect the seeds with and all the tape... It might not look like much, but trust me, it works wonders. It's cheap, non descript, light, and hardly noticeable, yet that thing has saved untold numbers of seeds from getting annihilated during shipping. The tape keeps everything compact and together, which is what you want because it keeps the beans in one place so they don't slide around too much.

It ain't much to look at, but it works.

- J.B


Well-Known Member
Even several of my G.G.G seeds were crushed in a plastic crush proof container. They got pinched. It's ironic I ordered Grape Stomper.
Not sure how many pineapple chunk I have gotten but it's been more than one and they have ALL been smashed. What a coincidence. In mugs even. Mine looked like the mug was used to smash them. lol


Well-Known Member
one or two orders mean little to me.. not being a dick.. but, I have had absolute success with attitude. If there was a problem it was a stock issue and it was settled fast and with respectability

just so you know I'm not in the habit of not showing proof

(excluding the Sannies and Irie Vibe packs...subtract 11 packs from that picture)

Freebies get thrown away now... except Sannies freebies because I get to choose them ;)


Well-Known Member
511125 001.jpg511125 002.jpg511125 003.jpg

These are most of my mugs and most of my seeds. But I have 2 more mugs in route and 3 other orders in route - no mugs. (2 more seperate RD, and I more Dr. Greenthumb) If any of these are smashed I will be posting pics. And for the record after a few with smashed seeds, when I had some missing I emailed. The customer service was what pissed me off. But exactly like you said sketchy, I need my beans and I am still ordering. But I did catch feelings over that shit. lmao. Soon we will be buying them at stores and shit everywhere in US and we will reminisce about 2-3 week orders and checking tracking and sending money orders. lol.