Rare Dankness - Somali Taxi Ride

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I need a better camera, no doubt. I am going to try and take a picture with my microscope and load that picture.
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Too long of a day to figure out how to resize the scope pics to load them. So I just took the best picture I could with the camera.
you would want to crop a section of the pic instead of resizing to get best look.

But never mind the pictures.

Can you rub the white off the leaves?
Sorry. Was at VA hospital with dad today, that always sucks ass. We got there and the whole parking lot was missing. He is in a wheelchair and that sucked. Then BelleIsle is at a doctor appointment down at Beaumont 500 miles away and her doctor is making her stay a few days to have a CT scan done on part of her stomach. Once I made it home, I got pretty damn medicated. Then a patient came by and long story short, my ass had to take a nap.
I will just need to read a few pages of directions for that scope I guess. lol. Cropping will be better than resizing yes. Good call. I have a few grows going on another site (seed depot) and I always have trouble downloading pics.
That leave looks like insect bites sucking the life out of the plant. lol. It doesn't wipe off at all. I have not had any PM that I know of. I was just going through all the plants and these just look like shit to be honest. This batch and last batch do not look as healthy. They will be sexed and thinned out shortly though. lol.
I saw another few plants that looked like they had mites. I bought a 5 gallon jug. I sprayed them all Sunday, then everything again today. I will go over everything Friday and again Monday also. That will be all for them little fuckers.
Yeah okay - pm wipes off with fingers.
If that's mites you got serious infestation in there.

Best of luck man.
there isn't any infestation of mites. I am sure of that. I saw a few small webs in the crotch of a plant in another room and I am all over those bastards. Mite infestation will not happen. If these look any worse than they do now, they will not make it to the weekend, let alone the 14 weeks of bud. lol. My other plants look fine. As of right now, I will keep a close eye on them and I must stop using the roots organic soil.
They looked fine, then there were gnats flying around and under the pots were some little bugs I haven't seen before. That shit is from the soil. My room and everything have been fine for awhile. I will blame the soil. If the plants don't get it together they are hit. lol.

Thank You very much for your help by the way FatMarty. I really appreciate the help. I need it. lol.
Dude that's why I went to soilless and add my own nutes as I go:
I got those fungus gnats and decided to ignore them until they were flting all over the room.

Then I did several treatments and felt like I had them taken care of.
Then I went and purchased some more potting soil and BOOM they were back.
Damn near killed everything with dishsoap and an attitude.:-P

Now I don't go anywhere near soil or soilless mixes with organic additives added, (like bone meal, etc.).
I think I have seen 4 fungus gnats in the last couple years in or near my grow area.
Shit gets in the house; so no reason to freak.

If they don't have an environment to breed in they won't.
Well I have my first batch of Super Soil in a tarp out back. I am not throwing it out. lol. I think if I use the Azamax accurately I won't have this problem. But consistent soil would help.
Well I have my first batch of Super Soil in a tarp out back. I am not throwing it out. lol. I think if I use the Azamax accurately I won't have this problem. But consistent soil would help.

If you're thorough with the azamax (spray every 3 days-4 applications total) you will knock down the mites, if not eliminate them. Azamax is a great product. I use it up to around 3'rd to 4'th week of flower, then I spot treat with mighty wash if I see any mites further in to flower. The following is the info from their pamphlet for soil drenches. I have never done a soil drench, so I am not endorsing this in any way, but I know subcool and others have done this, and I'm sure they would not suggest it if it weren't effective and safe for the plant. Sub did a drench for gnats on one episode of weed nerd.

Use AzaMax® as a soil drench for effective control of soil-borne insect larvae, including soil-borne larvae of foliar pests, such as fungus gnats,
nematodes, or soil borne thrips. When applying as a drench, avoid excessive leaching.
Preventive applications as a soil drench may be warranted for certain pests. Soil drench applications of azadirachtin will have a slower rate of activity
because of soil absorption when compared to foliar applications of AzaMax®. Target the initial application of a soil drench treatment to coincide with
the early stages of young larvae and young nymphs.
Dilute AzaMax® with water for concentrations of 0.4 to 0.8% volume/volume. See use rate table below. Add the required amount of AzaMax® to a
clean bucket with at least one-half of the water to be drenched. Agitate the mixture thoroughly and then fill with the remaining water and continue
agitation until the product is thoroughly dispersed.
Drench the soil in the pot with one (1) pint of finished product dilution per 1.0 gallon of soil. For fungus gnats, use the 0.4% spray concentration. For
mushroom fly maggot control, use the 0.6% volume/volume spray concentration. For leafminers and other difficult to control pests, use the 0.8%
volume/volume spray concentration. Make two to three (2 – 3) applications at 10 –14 day intervals until pest pressure has ended. With high insect
pressure make applications every 5 to 6 days. Additional applications of AzaMax® may be required with increased and prolonged pest infestation.
Gallons of
Water 0.4% 0.6% 0.8%
Amount of AzaMax®
1 gallon
1 gallon
5 gallons
10 gallons
1 Tbs.
0.5 fl. oz. (14.8 ml)
2.5 fl. oz. (74.0 ml)
5.0 fl. oz. (148.0 ml)
1.5 Tbs.
0.8 fl. oz. (23.7 ml)
4.0 fl. oz. (118.3 ml)
8.0 fl. oz. (236.6 ml)
2.0 Tbs.
1.0 fl. oz. (29.6 ml)
5.0 fl. oz. (148.0 ml)
10.0 fl. oz. (295.7 ml)
10 - 14 days
10 - 14 days
10 - 14 days
10 - 14 days

There you go man.
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All in the wrong order. Fuck me.


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That might be thrip damage. I cant see the tell tail silver-like film that looks like you hit it with fert water, but the bite marks, flying nats, and new stange little bugs sound like thrips. If they are coming in with your soil, then you got them the same way I did. Fuckers... Look for little poop speckles on the bottom of the leaves and little tiny ass yellow or pale green larva on the leaves. They like to run and hide in the central vein of the leaf so look carefuly. I hope you dont have mites or thrips but good luck either way. Peace.
OK. And I read stow's post real good.
Starting tomorrow I will add 4 oz. of Azamax to a 5 gal. bucket of water.
Add one pint per gallon of soil per pot.
I will do that Tomorrow(Wed) then again next wed. and then every other wed. forever. lol
That sounds more like a monday chore. I will switch it after first does and then it'll be week and 1/2 between 1st dose.
Fucking bugs.

Takes all the fun out of it.

They got shit now you need a 100x scope to spot them.
Farmer Mites and Russett Mites.
And don't forget Root Aphids.
I don't think one in a thousand growers had ever heard any of those terms 5 years ago.

Then there are the fungi: It seemed like practically every Michigan grow had it in some form last year at one time or another after heavy rains. WTF?
It was like a plant flu epidemic.

I had Fungus Gnats a few years ago and I would just trash everything and start over if it happened again.
I had PM last year and I would do the same thing there if I encounter it again: weed genocide.

As a patient who just grows for myself I can do that and not hurt anyone.

As a caregiver I suppose you have little choice but to fight on and deliver as much usable meds as required of your patients.
And some people expect you to give it all away...

Fucking bugs.
I could'nt take it mate :) I just couldn't stand to watch you grow these out while I am dying at the skin to crack these. So I did. AND I got 11/11 germination. To my lucky surprise there was 11 beans in my pack :) I'll gladly take that.

Once they get a couple set of leave I will take pictures and maybe if you would kindly let me, join along in and perhaps do a grow along. I am growing vegan organic and will prob split the girls inside and out. Inside they will be flowered inside tents under 1k hortilux.Outside they will go in my fertile crescent that has been farmed for over 30 years. I will be chopping my current flowerings a week short to run these. I am stoked and hope to soon have the best damn cannabis I ever had in the dam.

To the RD folks that drop in on the thread. THANK YOU FOR SOMALI TAXI RIDE!!!!!

Cheers World~