Raspberry cough coco 11lt

The picsi show 1ec , 5,4ph but now my ph meter shows 5,9 - 6,1 ph just weird can.it be the tempature change im.not 100 sure how to calibrate those meters with the screw
they notorious to be off by .2 and over time.the ph will rise. because it takes awhile for it to get to the molecular level where every molecule of water has bonded with nutes. temp of water is for o2 level 65 degree is optimal.wont shock roots and will have good amount of dissolve oxygen with it... 75 or higher is not giving the roots enough o2.
The picsi show 1ec , 5,4ph but now my ph meter shows 5,9 - 6,1 ph just weird can.it be the tempature change im.not 100 sure how to calibrate those meters with the screw
i knew my formula would be about that level . whats the conversion e.c. to ppm?? and why do some use that. while others use ppm.? is it a metric thing??
i knew my formula would be about that level . whats the conversion e.c. to ppm?? and why do some use that. while others use ppm.? is it a metric thing??
Uhmm im not sure how i convert it to ppm, the hydrostore i bought it from had that or a 110 € ppm meter. I go with the cheaper
i knew my formula would be about that level . whats the conversion e.c. to ppm?? and why do some use that. while others use ppm.? is it a metric thing??
Acording to one guy its showing microsiemens so basically it tells me that ive got 1000microsiemens i need to divide that by 2 to get ppm so 500 ppm that means ive calibrated that wrong
they notorious to be off by .2 and over time.the ph will rise. because it takes awhile for it to get to the molecular level where every molecule of water has bonded with nutes. temp of water is for o2 level 65 degree is optimal.wont shock roots and will have good amount of dissolve oxygen with it... 75 or higher is not giving the roots enough o2.
Hey should i put on 600wmode for while so these bitches would drink more
Hey i added some hesi power zyme and supervit to the formula u told me to use these pots are still heavy so 2morrow ill water em
wait till they seem like no water in it at all. they could go a couple of days without. instead of forcing,water on them roots ,, treat watering as if they are begging for it and have to shoot hella roots out to find it . is the best analogy i can put it. .
UHH.YEAH..the more light the better uptake i would put 1000w on a plant of any size.. watch them take off,..keep light about a meter away and see how they like it then drop the light to .5 meters
Ye rhey had 600w for 8hours and they seem bit lighter now had the light 63cm away aircooled hood btw
wait till they seem like no water in it at all. they could go a couple of days without. instead of forcing,water on them roots ,, treat watering as if they are begging for it and have to shoot hella roots out to find it . is the best analogy i can put it. .
They seem. lighter than yesterday but still medium hweavy if that makes any sense i stick my finger doesnt really feel wet or dry and they look hungry for n and magnesium i think
wait till they seem like no water in it at all. they could go a couple of days without. instead of forcing,water on them roots ,, treat watering as if they are begging for it and have to shoot hella roots out to find it . is the best analogy i can put it. .
Theyre lookin worse today im worried