Rate my setup for winter.

My first instinct is that you're going to run into humidity troubles. I asked about those being your vents because if so, they're not really 3x4, since they don't have much flow through...They look to be about 1/3d that or so open space. Also drawing in what probably is pretty cold air into a space that is warmer and pretty wet means additional condensation.

Of course, the only thing to do is try it and adjust from there.
Hey bud where did you find the wattage for those lights. Cause they say 10w per led. 100 leds each. So that's not the specs?
Hey bud where did you find the wattage for those lights. Cause they say 10w per led. 100 leds each. So that's not the specs?

I did a google search on "BloomSpect 1000w" and pulled up one of the for sale listings for it...though I misquoted it last night...it's 180W.

10w LEDs are only 10w when you're feeding them 10w per LED. the power draw on the unit is 180w, so there's no more than 1.8w per LED happening there. This is a common marketing dance in the import cheap LED light market...Always look at the actual draw of the light.
I did a google search on "BloomSpect 1000w" and pulled up one of the for sale listings for it...though I misquoted it last night...it's 180W.

10w LEDs are only 10w when you're feeding them 10w per LED. the power draw on the unit is 180w, so there's no more than 1.8w per LED happening there. This is a common lie in the import cheap LED light market...Always look at the actual draw of the light.
I fixed it
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I have this sir. And it's pretty reliable for it for home theaters. My humidity , so far. It's been raining for 4 days straight is avg about 30 to 45. But the moment I open it it's starts climbing. My green house runs about 70 to 90 percent t depending on the weather. I uad to put a box fan in there over the monsoon season cause it stayed at 90. Tha k you for your time again. Hope u have a wonderful day.

Yes, but if you're putting that behind those top vents, you're not getting all the airflow of that unit.

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