Rate the last movie you watched 1-10

I just saw the new Q. Tarantino movie. Wasn't Django that's for sure. I did not sit through the whole thing. I give it a 1.
I watched half of that thing the other day and had to turn it off.
Worst of his movies I've seen
At least the only one I didn't even finish.
Seemed like he called all his friends and said I'm going out with a bang here's a cameo cheque
I just saw the new Q. Tarantino movie. Wasn't Django that's for sure. I did not sit through the whole thing. I give it a 1.
I watched half of that thing the other day and had to turn it off.
Worst of his movies I've seen
At least the only one I didn't even finish.
Seemed like he called all his friends and said I'm going out with a bang here's a cameo cheque
So why was it so bad?
So why was it so bad?
First I would have to say that the 20 minutes or so that I watched had Kurt Russel's character being annoying. I liked Snake Plimton better. Next, I think torontokke nailed it with the buddy thing. It reminded me of the Burt Reynolds Cannonball Run Series back in the day. Just a bunch of folks having fun with a camera and some hot rods. I had heard that he used vintage equipment for the shoot. I was expecting a little more noir I guess. I'm going to see Star Wars next. I hope I don't see Jar Jar.
First I would have to say that the 20 minutes or so that I watched had Kurt Russel's character being annoying. I liked Snake Plimton better. Next, I think torontokke nailed it with the buddy thing. It reminded me of the Burt Reynolds Cannonball Run Series back in the day. Just a bunch of folks having fun with a camera and some hot rods. I had heard that he used vintage equipment for the shoot. I was expecting a little more noir I guess. I'm going to see Star Wars next. I hope I don't see Jar Jar.
lmao, Snake Plisskin

I thought Star Wars was awesome, no JarJar, 9/10
Point break 1991 - 10
Point break 2015 - 7 but great special effects for 3D.
Hateful 8 - 1 . One of the worst movies I had ever seen. About as bad as the air up there. The only movie I've ever walked out on.
Star wars - new one - 10
I watched the worst movie I've seen in 10 years start to finish this morning, called Spring breakers with James Franco.. Absolute Dog Shit. It gets a ZERO and should seriously hinder Franco's career moving forward.
legend 7/10 no need to remake as per usual. no new ideas in Hollywood.
star wars 9/10 the use of no name actors was a good shout from Abrams. no pretentiousness
the lobster 8/10 bat shit crazy.
Spectre 8/10 after a second watch when you're not so hyped about it it's better than originally thought.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

3D in this special theatre in Tbay with my cute ass parents in toe last night.

I would say 10, because I just loved the whole experience. But if I'm being totally honest, solid 9, maybe 9.5/10.

I loved it!

So I just watched "Dream House". Despite the unsual rating (5.6/10) I would actually give it a 7.3/10. I wouldn't want to spoil the plot for anyone here, because that's what basically makes the first half of the movie unusual and morbidly intruiging. It had a beautfiul symbolism at the end, although I would add some extra scenes and coversations during the film. I did feel that at some times they let go of a a lot of plot potential but overall a sad and mysterious movie.

I r8 8 m8.
I just saw The Hateful Eight. I really enjoyed it, especially Leigh's character. Sam Jackson was outstanding as usual, and Russell was hilarious. I like Goggins, and he was even better than I thought he would be in this. I am probably biased as I love Tarantino's fun style and witty dialogue. I'd give a 7 overall, worth it if you dig Quentin...