Rate the last movie you watched 1-10


Mr. Church (2016) - My score: 9/10
Eddie Murphy like you never seen before, amazing Drama. Check it out!
Rate 2/ 10
Weak story line, goofy humor, repetitive visuals, assaulting audio sound too loud and visuals too close to enjoy. A complete assault of the sences in an obnoxious uncomfortabe way. Dr . Strange was an asshole of a character. 3D glasses were 2 tight and someone had really bad breath nearby so we kept getting waves of hot stench that smelled like pepperoni curry sourkraut Asian noodles cooked in cat piss.
The legend of Tarzan
Lots of cool animal scenes and Tarzan is really sexy. A bit confusing at first understanding the time line. It appears Tarzan must have gotten a decent education after leaving the jungle because his English was very good. There was one very sad Gorilla scene where many were slaughtered.
Stonewall. Hmmm two snaps up and a pirouette. I did appreciate the token lesbian they threw in to keep the ladies happy.
Jeremy Irvine is my new flavor of the week.
Nocturnal Animals. 2/10 Gyllenhaal can't act for shit and the characters were all unlikable. billed as a story within a story that's been done to death and by the end I was actually hoping they'd die quickly so I could leave. several others left the cinema mid movie.

I honestly have no idea how it's getting such good reviews.
The attention to detail and continuity was impressive. Vader's suit in Rogue One is exactly the same as it is in A New Hope, and this movie ends right before A New Hope begins. Seeing the dynamic between Vader and Tarkin and Tarkin and Krennic was awesome, and seeing the life of the man responsible for the Death Star, tying up what was arguably the biggest loose end in the Star Wars franchise; the exhaust port vulnerability, was fantastic!
deepwater horizon.... 6/10 all star cast but they literally mumble the same sentence for nearly an hour. some bullshit about a concrete test, then everything explodes.

Kinda like watching Titanic. You know how it ends...