Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

Dude.. RIU isn't changing my mood in real life. I'm just trying to get april off my ass lol. When did I say my mood changed?

So u don't like what i'm doing, but ur doing it to kaender.... well much worse then when i'm doing but umm logic says.........
UR THE TROLL, and i would not feel the need to address u didn't need to drop my name all over the site in ur comments, shall i quote???? hmmm his could be fun, but no i'll let it go since ur just a boy and this is just hillarious lol, omg im snorting and tearing up here lol hep please don't change, u amuse and entertain me, u also teach me patience and tolerance, lol damn do u ever luv
Why do you continue to bring me into things? Im not a bigot. I love everyone.

Whether you are or aren't K. It often looks like you are. I have many times been misconstrued in what I was trying to say by lacking the ability to effectively express what was actually going on in my head... and some times I'm just stirring shit, and that makes it harder for some of the fine internet going folk to distinguish between me being a dick on purpose and being one accidentally...

Me personally, I'd still sit and have a bong with you are have a couple of beers at the pub...

You should hear some of the shit that comes out my friends mouths, much more controversial than anything I've seen you post up...
*nom, nom, nom*

Shit... I forgot to check if this was a trap...

*turns head*

What are you doing with that knife..?

hehehehehe silly ass goat, have another sugar cube, i might brush ur hair and sparkle u up, ohhh hoof polish could be fun ......hehehehehe

More sugar cubes???? Wait lets get the pb ;)
Whether you are or aren't K. It often looks like you are. I have many times been misconstrued in what I was trying to say by lacking the ability to effectively express what was actually going on in my head... and some times I'm just stirring shit, and that makes it harder for some of the fine internet going folk to distinguish between me being a dick on purpose and being one accidentally...

Me personally, I'd still sit and have a bong with you are have a couple of beers at the pub...

You should hear some of the shit that comes out my friends mouths, much more controversial than anything I've seen you post up...

I stir shit with my dick too! :eyesmoke:
hehehehehe silly ass goat, have another sugar cube, i might brush ur hair and sparkle u up, ohhh hoof polish could be fun ......hehehehehe

More sugar cubes???? Wait lets get the pb ;)

*nom, nom, nom* I'm thinking Hooves first *Nom, crunch, nom* Maybe forest green..? A goat has got to look his best...

And I'm down if you're down...
What are you implying here?

Well, whatever, I'll answer.

I'd rather my child be embarrassingly gay. I don't care much for any religion and buck teeth are just... too much. I would, however, pay for him to have his teeth fixed.