Ratty's At It Again!! White Widow Round 2!!


New Member
hi ratty, those plants are looking great man, they are starting to take shape now. keep up the good work.



New Member
they looked pethetic.

man, I kept a big bud plant from my last batch, it has been in a peat pod for 1 month and still hasn't grown 1 mm of a root. i dont know what happened to those plants

well i know the water was bad, but damn, even a clone wont grow.

just started a new big bud from seed.

got 2 widows, 2 kahuna's and 1 big bud. and the one retarted big bud.

but i askident-oopsally forgot to mark the 2 kahuna's and the 1 widow. cant tell them apart. brings me to the conclusion I got the same seeds from bc seed king.

i bought 60 white widow and only 2 have grown, they said they would send 30 ak47 to make up for it, but they never got here.

i'll never use them again.

infact i'm going to email them right now and tell them so.


Well-Known Member
they looked pethetic.

man, I kept a big bud plant from my last batch, it has been in a peat pod for 1 month and still hasn't grown 1 mm of a root. i dont know what happened to those plants

well i know the water was bad, but damn, even a clone wont grow.

just started a new big bud from seed.

got 2 widows, 2 kahuna's and 1 big bud. and the one retarted big bud.

but i askident-oopsally forgot to mark the 2 kahuna's and the 1 widow. cant tell them apart. brings me to the conclusion I got the same seeds from bc seed king.

i bought 60 white widow and only 2 have grown, they said they would send 30 ak47 to make up for it, but they never got here.

i'll never use them again.

infact i'm going to email them right now and tell them so.
Thats too bad man. My seeds came from BC seed king and all of them grew. You wont be able to tell the difference between the 2 for quite a while. All I did to geminate mine was put them in a glass of water and put them in a warm dark place. Once they pop open plant away. only took 15 hours for them to pop. These are the clones from thoses seeds.


New Member
my widow popped, but didnt grow.

only 2 out of 60.

pissed me off. they claim they were gonna send me make up seeds, but they never got here, guess they'll pull the old customs must have got them.

i'm looking for a new supply, also i'm going to breed my own seeds.

hopefully i got 1 male and 1 femal, we'll see. I bet now that i want a male i wont get one.

i'll mix it with kauhna then, but i'm gonna grow 2 clones about 1 foot tall and mate them and get my own seeds.


Well-Known Member
Well I left for 2 days and just went to check on the girls..... They are beautiful!! I had to take some pics to show them. They look much better than my last grow. Here they are!!



New Member
wow, it looks like you have 20 plants

great work dude.

mine are coming along really well....I got it all fixed and figured out.
2 kahuna 2 white widow, i jerked the retarted big bud.

i'm going to start a journal as soon as I get a cam.


Well-Known Member
damn those really did take off. mine are at 6days flowering now so it's cool to watch these so I can kind of see what to expect of mine.


Active Member
Looking 10 X better then last round, I think your gonna be very very happy with this crop....im glad to see the nutrient change worked!!

you have learned young padawone!!!

the masters pic



Well-Known Member
wow, it looks like you have 20 plants

great work dude.

mine are coming along really well....I got it all fixed and figured out.
2 kahuna 2 white widow, i jerked the retarted big bud.

i'm going to start a journal as soon as I get a cam.
Glad to here they are coming along!!

damn those really did take off. mine are at 6days flowering now so it's cool to watch these so I can kind of see what to expect of mine.
Too bad I gotta cut mine down early. I can only flower them for 5 1/2 weeks cause I am moving 10 hours away and I can bring them with me:cry:. I am trying to get my sister to finish them for me as she is moving too but a couple weeks later the only issue is my light shade doesnt fit in her car So if I can figure something out to use for a light shade for the last 2 weeks I may be able to finish them. Wish me luck!!

looking good. done any pruning yet?
I did trim them about a week ago but you cant tell to look at them. I dont wanna keep trimming and stress them too much.

Looking 10 X better then last round, I think your gonna be very very happy with this crop....im glad to see the nutrient change worked!!

you have learned young padawone!!!

the masters pic

I think I'll be happy with this crop too if I can finish. Thanks man!!

man you plants are looking healthy.....can anyone say SOG :leaf:
Thanks for looking!!