RawBudzskii Has Teh Budz.!!.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I have to find my usb before I can upload the rest.. taking forever to send pix via email. Will have full photos soon.

xoxoiasisda 014.jpg
The babies of the dead pre mature plant you see above. Hopefully they do not snap too early. :(


Well-Known Member
My recon og is beginning to piss me off, it has very weak flexible branches which I do not like. That strain is kicked to the curb..
Superman og takes longer to bloom than expected though I am sure I am to blame for some of that.. . Also not a keeper for me.
LA OG is a keeper & I have couple mothers in Veg atm. Will be transplanting them into 5gals in a week or so & will begin training, I will keep you updated on that. I love LA OG, really dense, it does seem to lean/bend over if it gets too tall but it is strong & does not snap or need much support. The nugs are really dense like some LA Conf, which I think it is mixed with o_O

Soon Tahoe OG! Coming to a Post Near You! Give it a week to show some flowers. <3
All the strains sound dank. I'm sure I you run those plants again you'll be able to get thicker branches and be able to dial it in some.


Well-Known Member
Yea, in a week I am going back to buckets instead of bags. Allows me to support & train plants better. So I plan on sticking to LA OG & Tahoe OG for the next go rounds, with the next few months going to be cooler I plan on kicking it in gear since it will be alot easier to maintain perfect temps.. Here in so cal it has been in triple digits the last few days.. but it is cooling off.. I hear thunder right now. >.<


Well-Known Member
Lookin good. How long has that LA been flowering for?

I might have a few extra cuttings lefts over from the SFV og, pre98 n platinum. So if ur interested let me know


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Yea I have ran into some speed bumps, aside from my connection acting up all week.. LA OG has been 10wks since 12/12 flip. I have cut one LA OG, will upload pix asap. I am having big comp problems.


Well-Known Member
Here we are once again. Sorry if I have kept any of you waiting, I have been under a lot of pressure lately & thus I have lagged on keeping you pleased & updated..

May the show go on. <3

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Here are a few shots of LA OG, I will have a smoke report soon enough :eyesmoke: w/ pix included..

I will continue with this strain I would really like to spend more time w/ it to see what it's really capable of.. I kinda let these ones "wing" it since I did not train in any way & they were in the original containers I got them in where were 1gal bags.. which is why I only got a little more than 35g off each plant. :[

The mother is now in a 5gal home made air pot & I will be chopping her up soon for more babies. <3 I have topped the mother several times now, later on in her life. Last time I topped was 1 wk ago.

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Well-Known Member
:lol: xyzxyzxyz1010101 016.jpgxyzxyzxyz1010101 024.jpg
Here are two current superman that are about 4-5wkish in the 1st two pix.

xyzxyzxyz1010101 018.jpgxyzxyzxyz1010101 017.jpgxyzxyzxyz1010101 019.jpgxyzxyzxyz1010101 023.jpgxyzxyzxyz1010101 013.jpgxyzxyzxyz1010101 026.jpgHere is Superman on @ wk 10 or 11 from switch. This strain seems to grow lanky though I have not tried to dial it in much & neglected these ones as well, I have several more of this same strain mid way into bloom right now, they seem a little smaller / healthier than these ones.. here they are.

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Well-Known Member
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Tahoe OG, w/ 1x LA OG in the group @ day 20 from switch. This will be my 1st time seeing how Tahoe buds up, If it looks promising by week 4-6 I will continue to chop the mother into babies. <3 I had 2x mothers, defoliated one completely.. ^_^ I have pix do not worry, anyway she is coming back great.. that is for another day. <3

I will have Nug Shots later this morning for you all. :D
WooHoo !!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kev. <3
I am trying to get on point before the whether cools down here, will be the best time for my girls. Leaving grow bags behind going back to pots, & spending alot more time training such as topping & lst.


Well-Known Member
sadawdwadwa 006.jpgsadawdwadwa 007.jpgsadawdwadwa 005.jpgsadawdwadwa 008.jpg

Sorry for the bad cell pix, will take some HD with the digi later on. Anywho this is some of the LA OG, It is super dense, reminds me of my last AI or some LA Conf., Will hardly compact if you try to squeeze it, smells great ! Has that Deep Danky OG smell to it & I am sure it is going to make me Happy in the weeks to come!. <3


Well-Known Member
Here we are once again. Sorry if I have kept any of you waiting, I have been under a lot of pressure lately & thus I have lagged on keeping you pleased & updated..

May the show go on. <3

View attachment 1805289View attachment 1805290View attachment 1805291View attachment 1805292

Here are a few shots of LA OG, I will have a smoke report soon enough :eyesmoke: w/ pix included..

I will continue with this strain I would really like to spend more time w/ it to see what it's really capable of.. I kinda let these ones "wing" it since I did not train in any way & they were in the original containers I got them in where were 1gal bags.. which is why I only got a little more than 35g off each plant. :[

The mother is now in a 5gal home made air pot & I will be chopping her up soon for more babies. <3 I have topped the mother several times now, later on in her life. Last time I topped was 1 wk ago.

View attachment 1805298View attachment 1805299
ok first, your LA OG looks EXACTLY like my "skunk #1".

and are you saying because they are in 1gal planters....thats the reason why you only got 35g? or is it just a low yeilder in general? Cause I'm getting 4oz per 1 gal bag.

and in reference to post #172....do you think extra days of darkness really help?

my "skunk #1"
