OrionZone Eh.
I am bedazzled that orion is still ACTIVE!
I shit you not they really do come thru of course we all know they are ridiculous ...lol I ordered out of sheer curiosity, Took forever, but it did happen and honestly the 2c-i was really good. But the price was 74 bucks for 100 mg oooouuuuccchhh...never again
Never came thru for me..
Why even order out of sheer curiousity, it looks like such a fake site. Plus, you can get nearly a gram of 2c-i for not much more most places.
What's your status in the RC game Buckethead?
Well I meant like, A "Status Update". What's your position? For Starters Like, What RC Are You Aiming At Right Now?
So most of your RC experience concerns 2C-I. What's the rest of it.