
Are there any research chemicals that are so new they are under the radar? I've seen some extremely awful attempts by feds to round up some people with some under-par websites. There was even one website wherein a guy gave his "gmail" account out and said he had research chems and oxys(LOL) for good bargain prices.
yes there are plenty of RCs that you can get no problem. some have no law against them... some under the analogue act... all still obtainable under the radar. 25i-nbome, 2cb (harder to get), 4-aco-dmt, mxe, and a few others are worth trying. the best sites are the difficult ones to find. there's some that are easy to find and pretty legit too. just do a little searching.

there are new ones coming out on what seems like a monthly sometimes weekly basis. most I wouldn't mess with. I'm not into stims much
25c-nbome legal as far as I know and is very simlar to LSD and is one of the best blotters there is right now 25i-nbome is just the same 25c-nbome is relaxed though and IMO much better take between 600mcg-2mg(2000mcg) it's perfect for my cat between 1200mcg-2.5mg. 2.5 once in a while when you wanna trip extremely hard 1,200mcg web you wanna be in a safe environment 600 tripping reall nice easy nothing can go wrong typ trip good in nature as long as you have someone sober with you its wonderful n so easy to get n reall inexspensive
25i-nbome is great. Watch out for persisting psychedelic effects. I've read reports of people experiencing effects after 24hr+. Subtle effects but still noticeable. Remember these are RC's and are not to be regularly abused.
I would agree and have had very minor effects afterward sometimes lasting a day no big deal though just don't do em more than once every three weeks
I did 25i 2 days in a row and the effects lasted substantially longer before they subsided after about a week. (the subtle warping, not the trip!)
The gmail guy is almost certainly a scammer. Your "below the radar" question is the definition of RC as they are compounds that the authorities have not got around to making illegal yet. That doesn't mean your stuff can't be confiscated by customs when they open the letter and see a zip lock bag with white powder in it even if it is not scheduled yet. They can get you under the analog act as the substances do the same thing as something already illegal. If the quantity is small, maybe a couple of grams or less, all you'll get is a scary letter from the DOJ the first time. Probably.