RDGgreenthumb 2010 Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, sorry for the wait. Seeing as my last post was nearly two months ago it may have seemed my thread was no longer with us, but indeed friends it does live. I have documented this season quite thoroughly in personal accord but after all this is the internet and we like our info fast and to the point. So, if anyone is at all interested in what happened between June and now let me know and ill be more than happy to fill you in. For now these pictures from yesterday will absolutely suffice. Enjoy, namaste!


Well-Known Member
The fatter girl on the left ,which is the Big Bang, was only started the last week of April and put out the first week of June. On the right is Himalaya gold and she is a week younger and wasn't outdoors until the last week of June. It's a new spot on a mountainside in state game lands so its only been getting direct sun from the east and south after some canopy was cleared.


Well-Known Member
How about all those flying pigs lately. I know in my state the army national guard donates the use of their blackhawk helicopters to the state and local police for eradication programs, but just yesterday I and members of my family saw three different choppers flying grid patterns in my area. Two small hueys and a blackhawk all flying low and slow with a spotter hanging out of them with either a camera or a set of binoculars. Anyone else been taking notice of this, or even had a scare from these guys? I'm not too worried, though crazy things happen "when pigs fly"


Well-Known Member
Updates from the last day of august. 2-3 weeks flower



Well-Known Member
Looking good. Yours are quite tall compared to mine; mine are really bushy. It will be interesting to see how your inground plants compare to my potted. I also have a few in the moutains which are in 10 gal bags...I'll post pics on my thread when I get a chance.


Well-Known Member
Im thinking October 10-15th for the big bang (i keep forgetting to bring my magnifyer out to check trichs). I'm getting some vibes the himalaya gold may not be dont til the last week of Oct. I doubt i will let it run into november since the risk will go way up with hunters. The only prob i have with the Him. is the breeders stats are way off if they do go that long. They technically should be done before the BB but thats not the case. May be the phenotype. Ill check your grow stone man


Undercover Mod
Yeah man I see what your saying I got the same problem here. The only field there is being used by farms lol. Lame ass hell. I had a helicopter fly over me the other day. I was glad I hid. Ran like a mo fucka lol


Well-Known Member
HAHA yea i just find the nearest tree and take refuge. but usually i dont even try to hide, theres alot of small plane traffic through the valley and itd just be a waste of worry to hide from them all. We def have the same problem, all the open fields in my area are being used in some form by people and all the forests are super dense, the soil is rocky and steep as hell, and hunters love to look for bambi's mama. i love gureilla growing and bein connected to nature and such but i'd literally give my left nut to be able to grow in my backyard in a greenhouse. Thanks for checkin my thread dude. Ill try and update sunday. Peace


Well-Known Member
Everythings coming along pretty good check the pics and let me know what you think. In the middle of heave storms so hopefully mold wont be a problem. Also have termites attacking the HG's hopefully she makes it to a proper harvest. Thanks.



Active Member
Nice man almost there! Nows the time to start counting down the days...I kno im super stoked for mine.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I'm definately counting the days, the more i check the calendar the longer it feels though haha.
I'll trry and post some pics of the termite damage, it's a sad sight because if the HGs get the proper time to fill out it will most definately yield better!