RDWC - don't want root rot ! Can I just use DNF Sparkle or should I make Tea?


Well-Known Member
The Hempy room was just harvested.. It's currently empty waiting for bleaching :(.

Harvest time is a love hate deal with that place. Mostly hate though. I'm in week 3 at the 9k RDWC though. I'll post up this evening


Active Member
Just an FYI, I just finished 6k on 36 5 gallons, increasing to 80 5 gallons, gonna buy supplies this weekend. I'll keep you posted, I agree with the planning is key. I was about to use lowes buckets, I decided to stay with the 100% light proof black buckets from my hydro store


Well-Known Member
You must have little to know veg time, no?

I'm legal so I have to grow monsters. One plant per bulb on the horizontal grows.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
You're a classic! But I'm not ashamed to show pics. It's funny that your grow is so big but you want to compare grows. That makes it obvious that you like drama. I've already stated that I'm new and have 1 dwc bucket. Anyways. I'm posting pics of my first EVER grows, both soil and dwc. So I expect to see your first ever grow pics if you want a true comparison. Forget it, show your best! You obviously have to have the last word and the biggest schlong so go for it. If you say you're not impressed with my first attempts, without anyone to hold my hand and teach me, as I'm sure you had, then we will all know you're full of it. But here's my pics...first soil and first dwc. Dwc is still growing and is in week 4 of a 12 week flowering girl. Oh, btw, the first soil grow I only had a fish emulsion from Walmart for veg and a tomato booster from Lowes for flower, no ph up/down. The dwc is getting fox farm 3 part and I using vinegar to lower my ph to an acceptable level of 5.8. Hope y'all enjoy my pics and I look forward to any helpful insight. Asses need not reply unless its accompanied with a pic of your first ever attempt at growing on your own...before you knew what you were doing. Anyways. Enjoy the pics all! BTW, the roots are really white but the wife can't take a good pic. Last pic is first ever attempt at any grow. Enjoy!

No, you stated that what you were doing was the only thing that needed to be done. So like most dip shit newbs, you turned correlation into causation and then started preaching it like gospel. Even after I took the time to explain what the hell is actually going on with the OPs system. You continue your duct tape is the answer, I'm just a stupid jackass saga.

I'll tell you what, you post a picture of your grow and I'll post a picture of mine and we will let the others decide who is full of shit. You can start making excuses now as to why you can't do that.



Hell that looks good to me. I'm still on my first grow too but mine doesn't look that good yet. Soon I hope.


Well-Known Member
Nevermind. I was looking at your root picture on my old phone. I thought it was some ghetto carbon filter. Roots look great though.


Update on the hydro fungicide

Started out that I cut out a male plant around the 18th of last month and couldn't get all the roots out of my tank so I added hydro fungicide to my tank and it did seem to clear up the tank and the roots some but the upper roots still look a little muddy, there not real white like I see on GreenThumb's grow.
Legaly Flying dropped the name hydrozyme for root rot a few days ago so I thought I'd check it out and see if that will clean up the roots a bit better. I've found it to have very good reviews and looks to be right on for what I need and also it can be used in the cleansing of hydro /soil /coco and rockwool grows.

We'll see... I'll let ya know how it works out.
I'm learning as I go... LOL...

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
The thing hanging next to my roots is the pump for my airstone. I'm still learning and know I've been lucky to avoid issues but i think being In South Dakota helps keep some issues away with the weather as it is here. But back to the point I was making with my tape. Maybe I didn't explain we'll enough so here's a shot. My intake blows 24/7 on my pots. I think the duct tape is excellent at retaining the colder temps in my reservoir with the air blowing blowing on it. The water stays colder than it did without. My water is always cold but I never add ice or bottles. What does colder roots do anyway? I'm open to any and all advice because my next grow I'm moving to a full hydro and I'm sure the issue monster will rear its head. But I'm learning on the fly and the flight has been smooth.
Nevermind. I was looking at your root picture on my old phone. I thought it was some ghetto carbon filter. Roots look great though.


I'm really new to this hydro grow too. Hell, till the other day I was thinking I had a ebb & flo system, Daaa.. Nope, DWC. Lol... Anyway I understand what your saying about the duct tape. Light gets in, the green slim follows. It made sence to me when you first said it. But what do I know, that's why I'm here.. right? Lol...


Well-Known Member
You can use anything to block the light. Duct tape has zero insulating properties so it does not "keep anything cold".

Compak, buy pondzyme with barley, waaaaaaaay cheaper than hygrozyme and it's the same thing.


You can use anything to block the light. Duct tape has zero insulating properties so it does not "keep anything cold".

Compak, buy pondzyme with barley, waaaaaaaay cheaper than hygrozyme and it's the same thing.
Ok thanks, I just got the hygrozyme in today so i'll use that for now but I made a note for next time. It's early in the year and the water temp was already getting up in the high 80s. My main ac doesn't get back there real well. Myself, I can't aford a water cooler at this point so I added an a/c unit in the window and it's keeping my water temp about 71, 72 with the lights on all day.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Same here. It's all new to me but its wonderful to learn.
I'm really new to this hydro grow too. Hell, till the other day I was thinking I had a ebb & flo system, Daaa.. Nope, DWC. Lol... Anyway I understand what your saying about the duct tape. Light gets in, the green slim follows. It made sence to me when you first said it. But what do I know, that's why I'm here.. right? Lol...
But to legallyflying..fill 2 buckets and cover one in duct tape. Put them under a 1k light and see if the one covered isn't colder after one day. Once again, I'm not saying this is the end all fix but you're wrong about it not helping.....lets just leave it at that. I won't argue this anymore because its pretty silly. Btw...where's the pics of your first grow? Seems I'm not the one that made an excuse as to why I couldn't post them.......funny, huh?
PS-I remember you telling someone that they could use aluminum foil to wrap their buckets. And you're really going to talk so much crap about duct tape? I cook with foil, not keep water cold. What dumbass advice.


Same here. It's all new to me but its wonderful to learn.
Yea, same here. I'm really enjoying giving this a go. I tryed a couple times in the past (way in the past) but all that ever happened was they would get about 3 In's tall then fall over and die. Lol... So I'm happy to get as far as I have so far. 3ft tall, a shit load of buds and sticky as hell... Hell yea... It's getting better. But too this first run is really just an experiment. See what works, what doesn't. My only goal right now is to hopefully have every grow a little better than the last.


Well-Known Member
I'm done with this thread. I never RECOMMENDED that a guy use foil, he asked if he could and I said yes, but there are far better options, just like they are better options than duct tape. You seem to miss the point that your advice was wrong and way off base. your the worst kind of newb, the newb that seemingly can't listen to others advice if it conflicts with what they have in their head.

Here are some 2 week old pictures of the current grow and some bud shots from the last one.
compakt, I also threw in a couple pictures of a DIY chiller if you can get your hands on an old dehu unit.



I didn't catch the whole foil thing but Holy shit.... I want those buds... Hahaha... hell-of-a grow... Nice... Yea I think I see what your doing with the dehumidifier. I never would have thought that would work, Good idea.


Well-Known Member
It works in the same principle as a water chilller or AC does. Cooling through phase change (liquid to gas). Anyways, I have a small pump in that cooler that pumps the water that the dehu cools through a stainless steel wort chiller that sits in the Rez. The dehu is turned on an off via a industrial temperature switch with an external temperature probe.

I'll post some better pics. I have a "real" wide angle lens that will show the whole room.

Cindy 99 is sooooo fuckkng fast. Trichs already and I just started week 3. Fulvic acid foliar helps allot.