Well-Known Member
First I'm not a plumber nor do I know much about fluid dynamics, but I am a handy man and know how to do stuff. So my question is if I have to go Thru a wall with my return line and it has to go over 2x4s can I put a bump out in it? I made a drawing for reference. Don't laugh to hard at it but I did it fast and on my phone lol.

If I can does it affect water flow or anything I need to know? Return is 2" and supply is ¾ but might change the supply to 1. This is pretty much my system design except the bump out, mine is straight atm but will need to change it for its permanent spot cause the control rez will be in a separate room not In the grow room.

If I can does it affect water flow or anything I need to know? Return is 2" and supply is ¾ but might change the supply to 1. This is pretty much my system design except the bump out, mine is straight atm but will need to change it for its permanent spot cause the control rez will be in a separate room not In the grow room.
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