Re-imagine your local sherrif.

There are a lot of traffic laws which local sheriffs actively choose not to enforce most of the time. I spoke with my local sheriff about it recently, and minor traffic stops have been depriortized in my area.
That does not engage the meat of the matter: unconstitutionality.
I’m hoping instead for a link to a descriptive article from a reputable source. A court case that got sent to the circuit after being won by the lower court might suffice.
Anecdote is entertaining but valueless for serious discussion.

Isn’t grousing about minor traffic stops a bit podunk to illustrate a question of constitutionality? I cannot find a concordance of the Constitution online, so I cannot search “traffic stops” for the info. If it doesn’t work, please suggest the correct search term to find traffic law in the document.

I am not a strict constructionist. The perfect analogy is to infallible-Bible Protestants. The Bible is shockingly silent on many topics, such as evolutionary genetics or even some plain old organic chemistry. Thus seeking the answers to life, the universe and everything in a short volume written without any academic rigor is so obviously stupid, the reason people still do religion must be because it promotes stupid. If it really were somehow mystically imbued, there would be unique and reproducibly measurable effects associated.

And yet.

So it follows that there is zip-a-rino in the book that wasn’t composed from whole cloth by grim old ordinary men who wanted a way to control and pacify the masses - one that was built with viral recruitment in mind. This sounds to me not like any sort of even ok god, but rather someone with unmet needs, like they portrayed Lucifer.

“Revealed truth” is a phrase every reasoning being views with permanent suspicion. It is a necessary consequence of independent thought. Suddenly anything that smacks of independent thought is branded evil. A good obedient sheep accepts “revealed truth” and seals its damnation. Make Piety Great Again! is just as wrong as the slogan of the politicians who mean the diametric opposite of what they shout.
It's purely hypothetical. What if your local sheriff decided which drugs were legal or what the driving age was ect. and then proceeded to enforce those determinations?

I would not be cool with that. I just wondering what other opinions are.

Sidenote- I do see the glaring typeo in the title now, all thumbs today:/
Wouldn’t work the state patrols my town too
On Constitutionality see the 6th ammendment. Face your accuser. Make the court identify the nature and cause of the action and the the jurisdiction before the plea. Motion to dismiss every chance during.
That does not engage the meat of the matter: unconstitutionality.
I’m hoping instead for a link to a descriptive article from a reputable source. A court case that got sent to the circuit after being won by the lower court might suffice.
Anecdote is entertaining but valueless for serious discussion.

Isn’t grousing about minor traffic stops a bit podunk to illustrate a question of constitutionality? I cannot find a concordance of the Constitution online, so I cannot search “traffic stops” for the info. If it doesn’t work, please suggest the correct search term to find traffic law in the document.

I am not a strict constructionist. The perfect analogy is to infallible-Bible Protestants. The Bible is shockingly silent on many topics, such as evolutionary genetics or even some plain old organic chemistry. Thus seeking the answers to life, the universe and everything in a short volume written without any academic rigor is so obviously stupid, the reason people still do religion must be because it promotes stupid. If it really were somehow mystically imbued, there would be unique and reproducibly measurable effects associated.

And yet.

So it follows that there is zip-a-rino in the book that wasn’t composed from whole cloth by grim old ordinary men who wanted a way to control and pacify the masses - one that was built with viral recruitment in mind. This sounds to me not like any sort of even ok god, but rather someone with unmet needs, like they portrayed Lucifer.

“Revealed truth” is a phrase every reasoning being views with permanent suspicion. It is a necessary consequence of independent thought. Suddenly anything that smacks of independent thought is branded evil. A good obedient sheep accepts “revealed truth” and seals its damnation. Make Piety Great Again! is just as wrong as the slogan of the politicians who mean the diametric opposite of what they shout.
I didn't mean to imply that traffic laws were somehow unconstitutional. My statement was in response to AJ's reply to my statement that they "already pick and choose which laws to enforce". My point was that they pick and choose which traffic laws to enforce, not that they somehow are judges who interpret the constitution.
On Constitutionality see the 6th ammendment. Face your accuser. Make the court identify the nature and cause of the action and the the jurisdiction before the plea. Motion to dismiss every chance during.
Right, if the cop doesn't show up in court for your speeding ticket you get off.
I didn't mean to imply that traffic laws were somehow unconstitutional. My statement was in response to AJ's reply to my statement that they "already pick and choose which laws to enforce". My point was that they pick and choose which traffic laws to enforce, not that they somehow are judges who interpret the constitution.
I will say, on a second look at post 21 it still looks exactly like that.

Also, any judge picks and chooses which law to enforce. The local conspiracy of attorneys knows every judge’s quirks and buttons and can shop at need for a drug hardass or a security pirate’s pet.

One layer down, law enforcement has a hallowed tradition of random intervals of complacency and brutality. This means that it is certain that the statistics of enforcement of individual laws are … managed at the street cop level on scene.

This is by no means scandalous. It is the simple effect of human nature acting with the nature of the job. Making a fuss about it makes me look at the hand that isn’t moving. The action is always in the hand not demanding attention.

so what is a flap about traffic trivia concealing? I wonder.
I will say, on a second look at post 21 it still looks exactly like that.

Also, any judge picks and chooses which law to enforce. The local conspiracy of attorneys knows every judge’s quirks and buttons and can shop at need for a drug hardass or a security pirate’s pet.

One layer down, law enforcement has a hallowed tradition of random intervals of complacency and brutality. This means that it is certain that the statistics of enforcement of individual laws are … managed at the street cop level on scene.

This is by no means scandalous. It is the simple effect of human nature acting with the nature of the job. Making a fuss about it makes me look at the hand that isn’t moving. The action is always in the hand not demanding attention.

so what is a flap about traffic trivia concealing? I wonder.
Sarcasm often doesn't come through proper in writing. My only point was that laws are already enforced inconsistantly.
Right, if the cop doesn't show up in court for your speeding ticket you get off.

True and they often don't. It is bigger than that though. If the ticket is for a "crime" there are only 2 criminal jurisdictions and the rules of procedure are much different. Those jurisdictions are Article 1, Section 8, clause 17 and under common law in Article 3.

Of course under Article 3 you must have a sworn complaint from an injured party and they must be present and the State cannot be party, Judge and prosecution.

Truth is, we would be under Article 1 jurisdiction by contract, and literally noone wants to confront that, especially the black robed lawyers we call judges.
Sarcasm often doesn't come through proper in writing. My only point was that laws are already enforced inconsistantly.
I think it was thus from the first law enacted in our deep prehistory.

It is a rabbit hole of self-reinforcing madness to try to make it work 100%. Serenity, and improved community morale, lie in accepting the ambiguities with a shrug Not long ago I was told “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” Did you watch M*A*S*H back in the day? Charles Emerson Winchester, that magnificent yeti of pomposity, was the perfect metaphor. His insistence on making everything just so was a serious drag in a field hospital built around the necessity of sewing the kids together just well enough to survive rhe trip to a fixed facility. Chas placed his preferences above the needs of his colleagues and his customers dying while he performed sculpture upon a breached aorta.

We have to triage what we are gonna do. There isn’t enough time and resources to do the whole list, even though they all need doing. So “the greater good” of the team was attained by ordering the patients by priority, which led to least lost men. John Stuart Mill’s philosophy of utilitarianism counseled this approach to maximize total group benefit.

So while this administration is being portrayed in media as inept and kind of lurchy, it is not being presented as the haste of people with not enough time to finish the job but risking it all to do as much if it as they humanly can. It sucks to see heroism trashed while people cheer MTG doing DC like the bull in the china shop.