Re: Set Up / Plan


Active Member
Hi , my name is Jay from Canada , This is my first attempt on growing and id like to ask you guys how my set - up sounds . I am only going to be running 2 plants at the most . I Purchased a 400 watt ballast with a HPS ( High Pressure sodium ) bulb, I lined my wall with aluminum foil to anhance the light effect , and am planning on keeping the light 2 feet away from plant tops or closest with out burning the plant . I am going to start the lighting cycle for 24 hours a day till the plants reach 2 - 3 feet then i will introduce 12 hour light cycles to force budding and flowering. I want to set up a fan and rotate plants to prevent hot spots.I purchased High quality potting soil ( the best they had ) , and am planning on using 10 - 52 -10 fertilizer but might just buy Rapid grow or Eco grow. As the leaves wilt and start falling off close to the end of the growing process i will stop adding fertilizer to the plant . I purchased 6 inch clay pots for the first plant after germination , and big clay pots for the final re plant so the roots will grow free and not get tangled . , . How does this set up and plan sound ? Any advice or tips you may have would be greatly apprecited.

Thanks for you Time


Active Member
:leaf: I am going to dedicate a corner in my basement for the 2 plants around 8 by 8 feet , no ventilation planned but will be using 2 rotating fans . from reading alot of these forums on others people adive or ideas its got my mind going nuts trying to figure out what the hell to do with fertilizing, watering with tap or distilled , how long to wait b4 changing the light from 24 to 12 for flowering ... my god lol . I am goin to be doing Top 44 seeds , anyone with any advice on anything please inform me .

Thanks alot


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the foil and replace it with Mylar or alternatively paint the walls white.

Does the soil you purchased contain fertilizer already?
You need to be careful about soil with it already and adding more.

Regarding ventilation, its usually a good thing to keep fresh air coming in and through.

Water, well you can use tap water and simply adjust the PH levels as needed.
You can buy ph testers or testing kits almost any garden store, and the adjustment
liquids too, pretty cheap.

Let us know how you go.



Active Member
Yo man thanks for the tips , Due to where im staying the basmeent is my only spot, i know for good results frsh air would defintley be a good thing , but money is an issue for me these day lol :fire: . basically im strapped and trying to pull it off , not sure what the results will be , but hope alright .


Active Member
I actually took a look and have a freash air vent in my selected area , which is great will save me some money on a ventilation set up .For vegitation i am going to use 20-20-20 fertilizer , and for flowering i am going to be using 10-60-10 , also i heard that 8 oz of human urine to 1 gallon of water is also really good for the soil and plant , how does the fertilization sound and is there any truth to this urine formula? Any info on these subjects would be great .

Jay :bigjoint:


New Member
Wow! For a first time set-up. You sure are jumping right in there. It sounds like you have done your research. Good stuff. I have to agree with painting the walls white as foil can burn your plants with too much reflection. Good luck with your plants Jay and happy puffing!!!!!


Active Member
Lacy thanks for your thoughts , i have done alot of research , i figure if your gonna spend the time and money you should do it right or dont even bother . The foil i was actually thinking of getting rid of anyways due to burning , I was woundering how you think my setup and fertilization sounds , if you have any tips on dossage of fertilizer or how often to feed the plant it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Alot


Well-Known Member
you might want to use a 18/6 light ycle. that cycle helps promote good root groth garden knome has a chart in1 of his posts that shows root groth compaired to the amount of light. the biger your root ball the healther your plant. i had my plants survive 14 days with out watering after emergy surgery they had good root systems


Well-Known Member
get rid of the clay pots they suck the moisture from the soil not good unless your gonna water every 12hrs or depending on heat


Active Member
DeW B the 18 - 6 hour light cycle would that be when starting flowering or right away in the vegation cycle , and cali high thanks for the heads up man , im going to just use the clay pot for the first plant and move em into a bigger non clay pot after they grow about 2 feet , im growing TOP 44 amd appentley its a low growing plant any idea on how long i should wait b4 switching to flowering cycle . Also i have heard for the first couple weeks i should not add any fertilizer .

Thanks to all


Well-Known Member

also i heard that 8 oz of human urine to 1 gallon of water is also really good for the soil and plant

I wouldn't recommend any type of urine, stick with regular fertilizers.


Well-Known Member
I agree get rid of the clay pots, your moisture levels will be much more stable. I'm not sure what a "large" pot is, but depending on your grow 3-5 gal is the usual, it seems, to finish off. I would recommend going into a 1 gal first. If you transplant up too large you run the risk of root rot. GL HH


New Member
You are most welcome Jay. That's what we are all here is to learn from each other.

I personally use DNF (hydro-organic based). It stands for Dutch Nutrient Formula. Right now I am using the bloom formula which is 2-8-8. I make sure to leach them inbetween feeding, meaning that I just give them plain water. I also have nutrients in the soil and once a month I use some aquarium water just for some added fertilization. I know that sounds like a lot of nutrients but they are thriving right now so I am not changing a thing BUT please get some other opinions sincer there are so many other options out there.
Again, good luck in your endevours.;-)ote=EsCo204;273376]Lacy thanks for your thoughts , i have done alot of research , i figure if your gonna spend the time and money you should do it right or dont even bother . The foil i was actually thinking of getting rid of anyways due to burning , I was woundering how you think my setup and fertilization sounds , if you have any tips on dossage of fertilizer or how often to feed the plant it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Alot


Active Member
Start up in about 2 weeks , any information that you think may come in hand for a Beginner would be appreciated . ex - fertilization , watering , when to start flowering, when ready to start drying, any info on TOP 44 seeds.

Thanks Alot