Re-vegged & Pruned



  • Hey everyone,

    I'm currently on my second closet grow, one Hindu Kush and a re-vegged Neville Haze.

    My question is this, I'm into the second week of flowering things are going smoothly however, the Neville Haze is a BUSH,
    I've just pruned half a plastic bag of new shoots and stuff of the bottom of the plant, are they useful enough for anything
    considering it's only the second week of flowering my guess is that there's not enough thc for any use...

    P.s if anyone would like too see piccys by all means just ask i'll post em



Well-Known Member
you miiiight be able to get clones from the shoots...might. But if you dont see any THC crystals then there prolly isnt any...even mids u can see crystals


Yeah fair enough man :D kinda makes sense, i guessed that there may have been THC inside the plant itself, just tryna be resourceful i spose :) I made clones in just a bowl of water nothing else which is pretty cool though :D thanks.