re-vitalizing your weed


Active Member
Hey gang,
This is sorta in the right section, but it'll do.

So i got a tip for all you out there sick of shitty dried up, seedy weed that is impossible to roll because of stems/too dry ect. Break it all up, de-seed it ( this can be the most daunting part as some shit peole put out is just ridiculous seedy)

Then put it in a plastic baggie or tupperware container with a few drops (depending on amount of weed) of hot water, mix it up and let it absorb the much needed moisture. If you can steam the bud that's even better but takes more time and most people don't care enough anyways)

After you let it sit to dry overnight your weed will puff up, soften up, and little hairs all over the stems and buds will pop up that you never even know were still there. All ya needed was a bit of hydration. Much easier to roll now and will get you higher.

p.s. Anyone have any other good tips for revitalizing crappy dry/flat/seedy weed? Comments and corrections welcomed!
a bit of orange peel in the bag accomplishes pretty much the same thing (learned that one from a cigar aficionado). just be careful you take the peel out after a day or two or else it will start to mold which will then start growing on the bud.
Adding moisture to a smoking bag of over-dried, crispy buds is easy. All you need is a sealed container (A Ziploc bag or a 1-quart jar works good), fresh fan leaves and about a day’s time.

1) Put your over dried buds into a Ziploc bag or a 1 quart mason jar (I prefer the mason jar).

2) Add a few freshly cut fan leaves (fresh shoots work great too) to your jar or baggie. I use about 3-5 leaves to half a mason jar. Start with a few leaves; add more leaves as necessary. Fan leaves will become dry and shriveled when they given up their moisture.

If fresh leaf is unavailable, a small piece of lettuce, or apple/orange/potato peel can be used as well. A paper towel with a few drops of water on it also does the trick.

3) The final step is to wait about a day. How long it takes depends on how much bus in the container and how dry the buds were. It has worked as fast as 5 hrs.

Check the container at least once a day. The buds will have a nice, soft texture will not feel crispy or brittle when they are ready. They will smell better too!

And you can get a bad lung infection from smoking weed with mold on it too.
One thing I like about using orange or apple peel is that it gives the bud (and sometimes even the smoke) a hint of fruit smell. Plus, then you can eat the fruit and get vitamins..

Speaking of smoking moldy bud, this one time my roommates and I were getting high at our usual spot after I finished work. My one roommate dropped his tin of bud down a grate directly above an underground parking lot for a condo. There was no way we could retrieve it, so it was written off.

Several months to half a year later I was getting high by myself at that very same spot (we just called it "the spot" because we used it almost every day at some points) and it turns out he didn't drop it down the grate, it had fallen into a cement crevice beside the grate (it was in the middle of the night during winter when he dropped it and we were all blitzed, so no wonder we couldn't find it... it was mid afternoon in summertime when I found it). I opened it and the bud had started decomposing, had turned grayish purple with mold and smelled like dead fish left in the sun for two weeks.

I put the whole thing in my bag to take home and show them what had happened. Needless to say, my fiending roommate who dropped the shit decided to smoke it. He never got a lung infection (even though he smoked the upwards of the two grams that were left) but he didn't get high either. He is however slowly losing his mind because of all the drugs he does..

(he used to fuck around with air dusters and nitrous whippets)
I used to steam bricks of Jamaican pot apart back in the day. A cool mist humidifier works well also these days. They weren't around back in the day.
a bit of orange peel in the bag accomplishes pretty much the same thing (learned that one from a cigar aficionado). just be careful you take the peel out after a day or two or else it will start to mold which will then start growing on the bud.
it wont mold, it will generally let out all its moisture and become rock hard within a day or two, plus orange makes your bud citrusy, pieces of diced onions leave nothing on your bud