Read this, see the ignorance we face!


Well-Known Member
how can people be so ignorant?
By disrespecting the opposition, you only diminish our side. It does not affect them at all.

The only way we will effectively combat this is through educating opponents one by one. Would you listen to the points of someone who just called you ignorant? I would not. I would immediately dismiss them and their argument.

When someone presents an argument, listen to them respectfully. Then take their argument and dissect it with provable and valid points. Counter their argument. Do not go on the attack. That is the only way we will win this fight.

Listening to the opposing argument is key. Otherwise you argue in circles and it's nothing more than a noisy mud-fight. You are not required to accept their argument. Yet you must believe that THEY believe the argument no matter how silly.

Look at a dissention as a gift. Target the argument, not the person presenting it.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
By disrespecting the opposition, you only diminish our side. It does not affect them at all.

The only way we will effectively combat this is through educating opponents one by one. Would you listen to the points of someone who just called you ignorant? I would not. I would immediately dismiss them and their argument.

When someone presents an argument, listen to them respectfully. Then take their argument and dissect it with provable and valid points. Counter their argument. Do not go on the attack. That is the only way we will win this fight.

Listening to the opposing argument is key. Otherwise you argue in circles and it's nothing more than a noisy mud-fight. You are not required to accept their argument. Yet you must believe that THEY believe the argument no matter how silly.

Look at a dissention as a gift. Target the argument, not the person presenting it.
disagreeing with someone using an arguement based on facts is one thing, but putting out what can only be termed as anti-MJ propaganda is something completely different. how can you seriously argue with someone who is completely ignorant and delusional is regards to what constitutes a "fact".


Active Member
wow what the hell is wrong with these people. This just proves that the stoners are the ones who grew up to be the truly smart people in this world.


Well-Known Member
disagreeing with someone using an arguement based on facts is one thing, but putting out what can only be termed as anti-MJ propaganda is something completely different. how can you seriously argue with someone who is completely ignorant and delusional is regards to what constitutes a "fact".
It's perfectly fine to believe they are ignorant all day long. But when you call them an idiot through your words or tone, you have lost the argument as far as they are concerned.

You are not required to accept the 'fact,' but you must accept that they believe it and act respectfully toward them.

wow what the hell is wrong with these people. This just proves that the stoners are the ones who grew up to be the truly smart people in this world.
Intellectual arrogance will get us nowhere.


Well-Known Member
By disrespecting the opposition, you only diminish our side. It does not affect them at all.

The only way we will effectively combat this is through educating opponents one by one. Would you listen to the points of someone who just called you ignorant? I would not. I would immediately dismiss them and their argument.

When someone presents an argument, listen to them respectfully. Then take their argument and dissect it with provable and valid points. Counter their argument. Do not go on the attack. That is the only way we will win this fight.

Listening to the opposing argument is key. Otherwise you argue in circles and it's nothing more than a noisy mud-fight. You are not required to accept their argument. Yet you must believe that THEY believe the argument no matter how silly.

Look at a dissention as a gift. Target the argument, not the person presenting it.
Tried this with my parents. It didn't turn out so hot. They kept insisting that they were right and that they could pull up how I was wrong. I kept asking them to please pull up this research you are talking about. They pulled up one article about marijuana giving you brain damage. It was based on that OLD 'experiment' that was done with the 1 monkey, of which they had given copious amounts of marijuana to forcibly for hours on end. Almost suffocating the monkey. They concluded that after being given the marijuana that it had suffered brain damage due to its lack of coordination and ability to process external stimuli after being dosed. This whole experiment was laughable at best amongst the scientific community because of the following:

1.) There was no control group
2.) There was only one test subject
3.) The final report did not include the fact that after they had cleared the chamber and left the monkey for a while, all the side effects disappeared.
4.) The experiment did not follow the scientific process at all.

I told this to my parents and explained how they were wrong yet they still insisted they were right and I have kept the argument open for discussion among them and they still have yet to provide a shred of evidence in their favor. There's a point where I can only respect someone so much. Especially coming from my parents who pride themselves in their 'logic' and 'reason'. They're trying to remain ignorant so their pride doesn't get hurt. I hurt it for them the last time we met and talked about this so it doesn't have to be an issue about pride again.

By the way, the study I just informed you all about is still used by our government to this day to try and prove that marijuana causes brain damage. If you ever here of this experiment come up in a discussion, explain why it is bogus.

Sometimes you do have to insult someone for them to listen. But you should only do it after trying everything else. If they want to remain ignorant on the subject, then let them be. They're hopeless.


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about a person you've never engaged previously on this particular subject.

I've never persuaded anyone by insulting them. You cannot bully someone into agreeing with you. If you wrestle with pigs you both get muddy, but the pigs enjoy it.

One rarely wins a contest if they do not enter the engagement respecting their opponent. I've seen many people LOSE a fight starting from that position, however.

That is not to say you cannot defend yourself. But you must let them open that door by themselves. When they have proved to you they are not worthy of your respect by repeatedly insulting you, flatten them. But try to reason with them first before opening up on them with both barrels.

In the case of your parents, they go beyond misinformed, they are willfully ignorant. That monkey study was discredited decades ago. It's a lost cause. You will obviously never convince them unless you can entice them to smoke out with you. Move on because there is nothing more you can do but set a good example of a responsible user.
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Well-Known Member
I'm talking about a person you've never engaged previously on this particular subject.

I've never persuaded anyone by insulting them. You cannot bully someone into agreeing with you. If you wrestle with pigs you both get muddy, but the pigs enjoy it.

One rarely wins a contest if they do not enter the engagement respecting their opponent. I've seen many people LOSE a fight starting from that position, however.

That is not to say you cannot defend yourself. But you must let them open that door by themselves. When they have proved to you they are not worthy of your respect by repeatedly insulting you, flatten them. But try to reason with them first before opening up on them with both barrels.

In the case of your parents, they go beyond misinformed, they are willfully ignorant. That monkey study was discredited decades ago. It's a lost cause. You will obviously never convince them unless you can entice them to smoke out with you. Move on because there is nothing more you can do but set a good example of a responsible user.
And I agree with you completely on the subject. I've been smoking responsibly ever since I started. The whole reason i started was because I have chronic nausea, depression, anxiety disorder, ADD, OCD tendencies, knee pains, appetite issues, and insomnia. Instead of buying $40 worth of pills for each of those ailments, I decided to smoke pot because it therapeutically relieves almost all of these things. I've told my parents this yet for some reason reason and compassion don't work with them. I'm about ready to make some brownies and give them to them just so they can feel what it's like but I'd never do that to someone without them knowing beforehand, especially my parents despite what they've intentionally put me through (including committing me to a psych/rehab ward...:evil:)

I've gone about my smoking responsibly because I've done the research before I started all of this. I knew what I was getting myself into and was still willing to accept the consequences despite them being easily harsh. I've tried explaining all of this to my parents yet all they keep saying in return is, "It's illegal." They can't provide me with anything other than that.

So I related it to them like this, my father is big on his right to own a gun because it states so in the second amendment. I explained a hypothetical situation where guns have been banned in the U.S. Any form of firearm has been made illegal. I asked him if he would do the illegal thing and keep a gun because he thinks the law is bogus or follow it despite what he believes. He never gave me an answer but kept saying it's a completely different situation because that would violate his constitutional rights as an american citizen. I then asked him if it was the governments job to govern what goes in and out of our body and mind. He said no. So then I told him that the situation is the exact same based on the fact that the government has no right to govern what goes in and out of our bodies and minds as much as the government has the right to abridge the constitution. In both situations they are over-stepping their power. I asked him once again whether he would still do the illegal thing because he considers it to be right. He still wouldn't answer and got up and left.

By the way, I've been kicked out of my house for pot 3 times now. Even though I never smoke in the house or on the property or even keep my stash on their property. They still kicked me out because they think I have to choose between my family or pot.

This is the ignorance I have to deal with. This is the 'compassion' my parents express towards me, their son, when it comes to something they don't understand and refuse to educate themselves on. I'm just so sick of dealing with it it hurts to even talk about it because I get so frustrated when someone willingly remains ignorant about a controversial issue.

P.S. I'm 19. I'm still a teen and I fully recognize that, yet I'm the only one in my family who seems to be able to reason correctly. I guess that's what happens when the son of a christian family turns atheist... You can't be taken seriously by them anymore. :-?


Well-Known Member
A perfect example is my own father. He was born after 1937 so he's never lived in a world without the war on drugs. He's a victim of the propaganda. A victim. He believes what he believes because he is misinformed, period.

I am turning him around very slowly. I simply changed the focus of the debate.

I have shown him the benefit industrial hemp would have on our economy with verifiable facts. I have shown him how hemp can save small-scale agriculture. I have shown him how hemp-seed oil bio-diesel can be used as fuel without impacting the food supply. I have shown him that the only difference between cannabis and tobacco and alcohol is prohibition. Now he agrees that the war on drugs should be abolished because I proved to him it is a war on the American people, not drugs.

He still calls it 'dope' and discourages my use of it, but he is no longer totally opposed to it. Every time we talk about it now, when we get together, more often than not he will concede the point if I can back it up with facts and reason.

My goal is to someday smoke a doobie with my Dad.
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Well-Known Member
Since my Dad retired in 2006, he has been interested in wine making. He constantly bottles his own vino now. He has a small vineyard set aside in his garden and soon will be making wine with his own grapes.

About 40 years ago he bought a moonshine recipe from an old Arkansas bootlegger. Since I was a child, he has spoken of his desire to make a batch using that recipe. Now that his wine making venture is so successful, we wants to build a still and try out that recipe!

There is a great deal of similarity between what moonshiners did during prohibition and what we do as growers today. As Dad has embraced his new hobby, I sense a change in his understanding of what prohibition is and its detrimental effect on society. He knows that the still he is planning would have been illegal before the end of prohibition. I intend to use it for comparison when and if I ever decide to tell him about my hobby.


Well-Known Member
Fact 2:
Marijuana contains many harmful chemicals. One such ingredient is carbon, the same chemical found in your urine, poison, and feces. Yuck!
Carbon is everywhere. You can't avoid it at all. You ingest carbon with every breath you take, whether you use cannabis or not.
Today, there is still a substantial amount of propaganda and misinformation from both cannabis advocates and opponents due to the legal issues of cannabis, including legal and political constraints on cannabis research.
Health issues and effects of cannabis - Wikipedia

Smoking cannabis produces toxic substances like carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide. True. So does tobacco, but you can't really eat a whole lot of tobacco: Yuck! Nicotine is a poison. One could eat as much cannabis as desired without smoking it at all.


New Member
Fact 1:
Marijuana is a gateway drug. Most users of Marijauna (92%) that use it, end up using drugs such as Crack Cocaine or "e".
No, contrary to your ignorance most people that smoke weed don't do any other drug.

Fact 2:
Marijuana contains many harmful chemicals. One such ingredient is carbon, the same chemical found in your urine, poison, and feces. Yuck!
Marijuana dose NOT contain carbon! However, when burnt it lets of carbon as it burns away oxygen, but unlike cigarettes the active ingredient in marijuana "thc" kills all mutating cells, so NO CANCER!
Fact 3:
People that use Marijuana often don't get jobs as adults. Many times they regret ever experimenting/being a frequent user. The suicide rate for Marijuana users is MUCH higher!
Actually, Marijuana users have been known to have a less unemployment rate, and tend to make more than non-users.

Fact 4:
People that use Marijuana often engage in such "undesirable" activities as premarital sex, vandalism, listening to heavy metal, and shoplifting. (They steal and sell what they get, all to feed their habit.
I don't even know what to say to this I'm sure millions of non-users steal everyday, as with premarital sex, so fuck you!

Fact 5:
Nancy Reagen did not start the war on drugs. This is a common misconception, and it is only used to weaken the anti-drug arguement. Drugs have been bad ever since Satan defined "bad".
Actually the war on drugs was a complete failure, and although dare taught you a lot, it's called propaganda they don't want you to do drugs so they tell you it gives you cancer, and will make you smoke crack as a way to control the public, thank you for being a brainless cock sucking fagot!
Fact 6:
Doing drugs does not make you cool. In a survey 78% of kids reported those that did drugs as "losers" and "unlikely to suceed".
There is not one person who smokes to "look cool", and if they do they should stop right now.

Fact 7:
Marijuana smells bad, and those that use it can easily be identified. Women prefer those that don't use it, because Marijuana losers the pheremone testosterone, the chemical that makes women lustful. It is also the chemical that makes your penis big.
"pheremone testosterone?" Are you 5? Show me one piece of evidence linking marijuana to losing pheremone levels? there isn't any but I will garentee my dick is bigger than yours, and I'm gonna keep smoking this "drug", and I honestly don't believe you have ever made a girl "lustful", or even seen a boob.
Fact 8:
Contrary to popular belief, Marijuana IS addicting. Those that use it end up throwing their life away, all for the chance to "get high".
Pretty lonely up there on your pedistle, huh?
Fact 9:
Marijuana contains 3x the harmful chemicals as a regular pack of filtered cigarettes! You've seen what those do! Imagine the havock weed wrecks on your body!
As I've said before the main ingredient in marijuana thc, kills off mutating cells, and although you don't know this cancer is caused by mutating cells, so if those all die, the chemicals don't do shit.

Fact 10:
Marijuana is just stupid. The people that do it come from high risk families and frequently report to having been abused as children. Don't throw your life away for Mary Jane.
Please throw your life away, and if you're going to list facts you better do your fucking research first, because you honestly are the biggest fucking idiot in the world.


Well-Known Member
Fact 3:
People that use Marijuana often don't get jobs as adults. Many times they regret ever experimenting/being a frequent user. The suicide rate for Marijuana users is MUCH higher!
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in America (behind only alcohol and tobacco), and has been used by nearly 80 million Americans. According to government surveys, some 20 million Americans have smoked marijuana in the past year, and more than 11 million do so regularly despite harsh laws against its use. Our public policies should reflect this reality, not deny it.[/FONT][/FONT]

"People that use Marijuana often don't get jobs as adults." Are you actually suggesting that cannabis users don't work? Current unemployment rate is 5.5%. 5.5% of 300,000,000 is 16,500,000. Take away the regular cannabis users and you are left with 5,500,000 jobless. What accounts for the jobless nonsmokers?
US June payrolls fall 62,000; unemployment rate steady at 5.5 pct -

"Many times they regret ever experimenting/being a frequent user." This is impossible to prove. Many people regret many things in their misspent youth. I'm sure many former smokers regret it, but I wonder how many don't regret it.

"The suicide rate for Marijuana users is MUCH higher!" People commit suicide, that is a fact. Many are full of all sorts of toxins like alcohol, nicotine, caffeine as well as THC. What is your point? Are you saying the elimination of cannabis would result in fewer suicides? Not likely. By the way, what is the source on this?


Active Member
More People die from ASPIRIN then Marijuana!!!!! Should we prohibit it?
More People die from Cigarettes then Marijuana!!!!! Should we prohibit it?
More People die from Drunk Driving then Marijuana!!!!!
More People die from Medical Mistakes then Marijuana!!!!! Should we put doctors in Jail?
More People die from being struck by lightening then Marijuana!!!!!
More people die from Automobile accidents than form Marijuana. Should we prohibit driving?
[FONT=verdana, geneva, tahoma, arial][SIZE=-1]5,000 people die from alcohol overdose every year!!!![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, tahoma, arial][SIZE=-1]There is no lethal dose of marijuana.! No one has ever died of a marijuana overdose!!!
5,000 people die from alcohol overdose every year!!!!
[/SIZE][/FONT]THC kills all cancer cells but leaves normal brain cells alive. [FONT=verdana, geneva, tahoma, arial][SIZE=-1]



Well-Known Member
i can come up with better reasons than that to not smoke mj..even though im an avid smoker:mrgreen:
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Well-Known Member
Actually it doesn't. It's now been found that activated cannabinoids actually stimulate brain cell growth. It doesn't just kill cancerous cells, it kills mutating cells. If you think any of that bullshit is true then start doing some actual research...