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an ambulance arrived at my residence about an hour ago an stayed here for maybe 45 min. the question i have to ask is they were in my neighbors apt an she has a history of trying to commit suicide, by cutting her wrists (which is stupid) an overdosing on every pill in her house(last time she did this i had to take her to er) the thing that was different about today. is when they come to pick her up maybe once ever 2-3 months. they always drive away with sirens an everything... this morning they had her in back of the ambulance for 30 mins outta the 45 mins an they drove away with the tiny red lights on top back an top front of the ambulance but no siren. an they drove a way slowly an the cop that was here followed the ambulance slowly also. im wondering if she died or not? the reason i she died tonite is that they were working on her for 20 mins in the back of the ambulance an one paramedic put his head down an shook it in disbelief. an they drove away real slow with out any siren an just the small red lights. tell me what u think please