Ready for 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Grandmah never forgets. Hope all is well
Apart from been the same worry head i was last year everythings good.. hoping to get the yield i got last year, ive still got 2 ounce left curing in a jar, and let me tell you ive never smoked bud as nice,.i wish i had enough weed to cure every bit i grow for a year because it really adds to almost everything... this year im growing chronic lights, pure kush, white widow, UK Purple Cheese... 4 of my favourite strains


Well-Known Member
I got the purple cheese on the pretence the bud would turn purple as the manufacturer gave a guide to turning the bud purple, they said it starts with purple stems lol i always thought Purple stems were a bad sign but in this case i guesse its a good sign lol



Well-Known Member
I got the purple cheese on the pretence the bud would turn purple as the manufacturer gave a guide to turning the bud purple, they said it starts with purple stems lol i always thought Purple stems were a bad sign but in this case i guesse its a good sign lol
i read somewhere that in the last few weeks of flower to really drop the nitetime temps to bring out the colors. does the breeder mention that anywhere? i've never done any strains of color other than green. lol.


Well-Known Member
Every plant will turn purple if the temps drop off enuff.......I have a plant outside atm(experimental)and she's just started flowering and the colours she's throwing out r pretty cool......deep purple.....but obviously it's down to the temps dropping so low at night and maybay a little to do with it being a cheese but I reckon it will be an amazing color if she can withstand the low temps at night........


Well-Known Member
Every plant will turn purple if the temps drop off enuff.......I have a plant outside atm(experimental)and she's just started flowering and the colours she's throwing out r pretty cool......deep purple.....but obviously it's down to the temps dropping so low at night and maybay a little to do with it being a cheese but I reckon it will be an amazing color if she can withstand the low temps at night........
when you say low nite temps, what temps are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
5-8 I said is more of an experiment to see how it will react this late on in the year......
interesting. our temps here are 44F (about 7C i think) at night but almost 70F during the day still. interested to see what happens to yours. would like to try an outdoor grow next season.


Well-Known Member
Well the strain has purple genetics says the breeder,.but it does say that its Northern strain which can grow in colder temps, last year my night time temps were around 50f at the lowest and at first i was going to use a heater but was told by a friend to leave it as colder temps were meant to be good for thc production, so i left them, and sure enough they were frosty, and i mean packed with thc, now the grow i did over the summer months not only didnt produce as much thc but it didnt yield as good either and i put that down to constant warmer temps day and night... now i understand the rules are not to let the temperatures drop below 60f or there about,.but i think certain strains like chronic lights, white widow, uk cheese are all northern climate strains and seem to flourish in cooler temps..
As for mine at the moment the temps havnt gone below 65f so its doubtful the purple stems are through cold, im thinking genetics, either that or im doing something wrong lol


Well-Known Member
interesting. our temps here are 44F (about 7C i think) at night but almost 70F during the day still. interested to see what happens to yours. would like to try an outdoor grow next season.
Yea rkym that's why I've done it more or less to see the threshold of a few strains I'm working with atm.......but.....Yes next year stick one outside for shit and giggles and c how it goes......I find myself paying more attention to the one outside than the ones I have gives you anouther challenge and if it's anything like mine's it will pleasantly surprise you...


Well-Known Member
Why the dark period? Did someone tell you to do that, thats just silly talk lol. Seriously I dont think a plant appreciates darkness in its formidable years. IMO it just wastes time for no gain.
It makes the female hormones rise, makes the plant shoot pistils sooner and there are breeders out there that give specific instructions to do it on certain strains that they sell. So I'd be inclined to think there's more to it than you might think, maybe??


Well-Known Member
Try MORE dark time that light in flower and you might shock yourself with the results. And don't believe that crap that they won't grow as big... plants grow in the dark too. I put a 14" plant into a 36 hour pre flowering dark period and it was 19" coming out. 5" in 36 hours. In the dark. Dark is good in flower.


Well-Known Member
Try MORE dark time that light in flower and you might shock yourself with the results. And don't believe that crap that they won't grow as big... plants grow in the dark too. I put a 14" plant into a 36 hour pre flowering dark period and it was 19" coming out. 5" in 36 hours. In the dark. Dark is good in flower.
Yes ive read into different methods of shortening the light period, im definitely all for it as my experiences with putting my girls into darkness has always been positive, last year i had about 4 weeks left and i had to switch my lights off for 48 hours as my girl had gone into labour, and when i came back the plants looked great, and they had packed more weight on so from then i shortened my lights period by 1 hour each week and i ended up with around 6 oz off each plant, first ever grow, its all documented on my content page.. since then ive done the straight flip to 12 12,.running 12 12 all the way through and not had the results i had on my first grow.

I think alot growers assume more light = bigger plants but i also think that dark is just as beneficial in flower, ive done 24/7 veg aswell on the promise from other growers that its better and all it did was stress my plants, at around 2 weeks my girls start to droop before lights out,.but soon as the lights go back on they look amazing,.leafs pointing to the roof almost look like there stood to attention.. i never got that when doing 24 veg, they just looked droopy all the time after a couple of days and it took them around a week of 18/6 to snap out of it.


Well-Known Member
Nobody told me to do it, its something ive dòne twice before with better results than when i just switch to 12 12, i have no doubt in my mind it induces flowering faster as both times ive done it the past my girls have always shown there first pistons within a week, were as the times ive switched to 12 12 off the bat its taken around 2 weeks.. so wether or not its fact or fiction its what works for me, i find the dark period when growing plants to be a time of revitalitsion, and everytime ive switched the lights back on after 36 hours of dark my girls always look so much better as you will soon see when i update the post... for me the proof is in the pudding, im sure we could both find articles of the pros and cons of what im doing but ultimately its what works best for me, tried and tested.
It works for me too but maybe its just a personal thing? At college we did some tests on how the hormones of the female cucumber were effected during darkness, nothing came of it except for growth it only needed 3 hours light to achieve same growth as it had been gaining with 16 hours. I think darkness is like the 'off' period used by body builders to repair, rest and grow muscle. Respiration without the energy loss of photosynthesis kind of makes sense? Eitherway they love them dark periods!


Well-Known Member
It works for me too but maybe its just a personal thing? At college we did some tests on how the hormones of the female cucumber were effected during darkness, nothing came of it except for growth it only needed 3 hours light to achieve same growth as it had been gaining with 16 hours. I think darkness is like the 'off' period used by body builders to repair, rest and grow muscle. Respiration without the energy loss of photosynthesis kind of makes sense? Eitherway they love them dark periods!
Ive read quiet alot into, and you will get criticised for trying it because so many growers are under the impression thats its all about the light, which is true to a certain extent but after 12 hours or 18 hours through veg my girls always droop and i class that as a good sign that there ready for bed so to speak, and the proof is in the pudding when the lights go back on and your girls look brand new ready to start again, ive heard allsorts of theorys about what goes on through the dark period and alot of it makes sense...

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Well perhaps I'm wrong re the darkness thing. I have also read side by sides that were tested showed no difference. I just fail to see how it could help, it goes against all logic but I guess I should try. Not criticizing, sorry if it sounded that way. Im the first to say try things.


Well-Known Member
Well perhaps I'm wrong re the darkness thing. I have also read side by sides that were tested showed no difference. I just fail to see how it could help, it goes against all logic but I guess I should try. Not criticizing, sorry if it sounded that way. Im the first to say try things.
Its whatever works best for you.. i dony think you were criticising, i am a fairly new grower and it wouldnt be the first time ive been told to do something totally wrong by some of the wiki growers on here lol its just this occasion it was off my own back from previous experience


Well-Known Member
One thing which I can 100% testify to been correct with a few strains is that after deciding on a chop date if you leave them in the dark for 48 hours beforehand they do look frostier. However once dried they look like the ones which didn't get the dark period so a temporary thing me thinks...


Well-Known Member
One thing which I can 100% testify to been correct with a few strains is that after deciding on a chop date if you leave them in the dark for 48 hours beforehand they do look frostier. However once dried they look like the ones which didn't get the dark period so a temporary thing me thinks...
I dont think any strains keep the forsty look they have when you first harvest, although colder temps help with thc production but you risk slower growth, so in the respect it boils down to wether you prefer quality over quantity.
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Well-Known Member
These are due off at weekend but after they revegged because of a timer error. I chopped a few big tops off early as they were starting a new stretch and am leaving these smaller buds another week. Funnily enough I dropped the temps to slow any new 're-veg' growth and they have all gotten frostier? Maybe its a protection mechanism for colder weather as well as for grabbing pollen etc?