Ready For Flowering????


Active Member
I have been vegging my plant for 33 days. I was wondering if it is ready for flowering yet? It's about 9 inches tall. How many days will the flowering process take and about how much should I expect to yield? THANKS!!!



Well-Known Member
wait it out another 2 weeks. still kinda tiny . move light about 2 inches more away . water every 2-3 days. flowering takes as long as you want it to . usually when leaves turn a yellow hue and begin to fall off is a good time to harvest.


Well-Known Member
u can flower when ever you want but usually its after the 5th node, if you want to wait a few more weeks you can top the plant for another main cola. but flowering takes in the range of 7-9 weeks as far as yeild thats up to the plant and what you can do to help it along.


Active Member
I dont know why but the leaves have been curling down like that since the very start. I cant seem to figure it out. I have been using a extremely low dose of 24-8-16 nutes once a week or so. I am using 6 CFL's for a total of around 250 watts 24/7. I water whenever the dirt seems dried out. Temp is around 73. Humidity around 30%. This is kind of just a practice grow as it is just some bagseed but I am still hoping to get some decent smoke out of it. I purchased 5 fem PPP seeds that I am going to grow after I complete this one. Thanks for the help!!


Well-Known Member
yeah you can flower now .. yeild will prolly be anywhere from about 2 or 3 grams of dryed bud up to a few ounces a plant based on environment, lights, strain etc.. flowering will probably take around 2 to 3 months based on environment, medium, c02 etc..


Well-Known Member
well u should switch from 24/0 to 18/6 that might give them some time to recoop, and as far as nutes its looking like it might be a little deprived, try adding nutes twice a week but keep the doses low like 1/2 per gallon of water. have you checked your ph, if its off by too much it will lock up the nutes that you are adding.


Well-Known Member
ps prolly want at least 400 hps if you want real bud other wise you might get some low grade bud that is not very compact


Well-Known Member
watering should be on a schedual as well like every three days or so depending on your situation. i water every other day right now, but during veg i would water twice a week every three days.


Active Member
I will give them some more nutes. I was just afraid of giving them too much too soon. PH is 6.7. As far as lighting, for this grow I'm probably just gonna stick with the CFL's since I do not have the money for an HPS light. For the PPP grow I will definately try to get an HPS lighting system though. Thanks


Active Member
I gave it some nutes with the watering yesterday. I checked the plant today and it looked 100 times better. Thank you for the advice!!!!