Ready for harvest? (Acapulco Gold landrace)

I have six more years experience outdoors than you am I allowed to comment?

Asking for the RIU community ?
BTW I have met young growers who know much more than I do cause, that is all they focus on :lol: :hug:
Its sad that you don't know what your talking about . Since you are 31 And don't grow outside. And i have been doing it 16yrs more than you been alive..Stick to what you know.Nothing about outdoor growing. THATS SAD Along with your advice..
It got really seeded :(

My first time making seeds and I think I went overboard with pollination, that's why only leaves. A ton of seed sacks in there.

On the other hand will have a ton of acapulco gold landrace seeds it seems
Why would you pollinate a plant that's unknown in yield, potency, canabinoid profile, ect...
And this plant is crazy high leaf to calyx ratio. Seems pointless to me. Idk, just my 2 cents
Why would you pollinate a plant that's unknown in yield, potency, canabinoid profile, ect...
And this plant is crazy high leaf to calyx ratio. Seems pointless to me. Idk, just my 2 cents

It's called "hybridization".....

Have you ever seen a hybrid grow? I love growing hybrids because that's when you see all sorts of weird shit happen like, buds growing out of the center of the leaf... or you get other leaves, growing out of the center of the leaf.. Or you end up with 3 leaflets per full leaf.. Or you end up with extra gigantic HUGE sized kolas...

All sorts of neat shit can happen and it's especially MORE fun, when you have NO idea what the genetics are going to be until you see them happen before your eyes. The mystery of it is intriquing and makes it fun.

Ohh, just a little tidbit... Try to clone a hybrid? Nope... The hybrid genetic is not carried over to the clone for some strange reason that's always bugged me and have never been able to find out exactly why.
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I’m so jealous @bk78 has all these fans. What’s the secret @bk78 to get all these boys so worked up? :lol:

Being a trolling douchebag while acting like anyone that thumbsup your douchebaggery is your new BBF, generally helps.

"ohh, I''m an expert, I've trolled Rollitup for over 8 years now without being banned by the admin...."

That's about what it amounts to.
Being a trolling douchebag while acting like anyone that thumbsup your douchebaggery is your new BBF, generally helps.

"ohh, I''m an expert, I've trolled Rollitup for over 8 years now without being banned by the admin...."

That's about what it amounts to.
I can’t make out any sense of his comment in this post ? I’m assuming somethings been deleted or ?
I'm 56 yo, and have been a outdoor warrior since I threw seeds in the ground at the tenderfoot age of 19, I do a big ass tiring grow when you combine it w/work and exercise,but it's an addiction and labor of love, I'd feel a big void without a grow going on in the summer. Rennaisance can't be growing that big ass Sativa that I see on this page in the NEast where I'm from, it would never come close to finishing, Aculpoco Gold has to be 17 weeks of flower.