Ready for Harvesting?

Harvest Now or Wait..

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Active Member
Hey everyone.

So i just a quick question. I am currently growing Dutch Passion's "Hollands Hope". She is in week 10/11 depending on if you count the first week of switched 12/12 as flowering. She is pretty big and has turned very dark purple/ green mostly all over. However i am just wondering if she is ready for harvest yet, she has nice big buds but they dont seem to dense, like i can see the stem throughout the majority of all the buds.

Just dont want to miss the harvesting window and let her grow for too long, ruining the crop a little.

Any help would be appreciated.

Also, as for the discolouration on a lot of the leaves.. that was thanks to a friend who took over water/nutrient duties for 2 weeks last month and obviously got it VERY wrong.



Well-Known Member
I've grown hollands hope from clone and 2 other crosses with hope in them. Small buds,smells like rubber mangos on the plant,fucking heavy eater imo. Yours are about done. I wouldn't wait any longer then one more week but someone stated to get a loupe which is a must have when growing new strains or strains from seed. Your next watering just give water only. No need to flush.