Ready?? + Pics


Well-Known Member
Keep me posted. i'd love to see what the final weight is if you can wait.

I've been growing for quite some time and I've never gotten more than 25% of wet weight back after drying.

20% is usaully do to the fact I leave a bit of stem on cause it's easier to hange.Brings my average down slighty.
I'll keep you posted :hump:
For how long do you dry ?


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Well depends on temp and humidity. My drying area is usauly 75 with humidity at about 45-50. I hang for about a week. Until they feel crispy on the outside. Then I "sweat" them. I seal them up in a container for 12-24 hours then take them out an let them dry some more. Repeat this till they are dry enough for long term storage so the curing can began. No one can tell you EXACTLY how to do it cause it takes some expierence to judge, not every place is the same temp and humidity. So use your best judgement. Keep an eye on them. If they are real sticky then the resin is still not dry and not ready for long term storage. Hope this helps


Active Member
Nicely done, i tink you'll get about 140-160 g's out of that it loses most weight in first 5 -7 days depending on size of buds

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
this is wat im gunna do wen mine are ready ima hang them for a week
then im gunna put the buds in brown paper bags for 5 days
them im gunna cure in jars for as long as i ca wait
or ill skip the bag part and go right to curing
i dont think i can wait
you cant put bud in front of me and expect me not to rollitup


Well-Known Member
this is wat im gunna do wen mine are ready ima hang them for a week
then im gunna put the buds in brown paper bags for 5 days
them im gunna cure in jars for as long as i ca wait
or ill skip the bag part and go right to curing
i dont think i can wait
you cant put bud in front of me and expect me not to rollitup
hehe.. I'm gone do as you saying, hang a week and curing.. I'm leaving for holiday in 15 days so I hope I get them done..

I was planing to give away and sell some after 7 days,, Does that sound right?