Ready to build grow room...advice


I am ready to begin to purchase the materials and build my grow room. Here are a couple pictures of the area I am working with. It is about 5 feet wide and depth can be anything I want but with current table is around 2.5 feet.

I think I have 2 options. First option would be to keep the table setup like it is and do a SOG setup with a separate light for top/bottom in order to veg/flower at the same time. My other option would be to take the table out and use a single light (1000 HID) and grow the plants larger but only veg/flower one at a time.

For my lights I am going to use HID's. Either (2) 400's if I keep it separated, or (1) 1000 if I remove the table.

Also, I think I will just begin by growing in soil, unless it is possible to use a hyrdo setup as a beginner grower.

Any advice would be appreciated. :peace:



Well-Known Member
cool tubes are a must. Looks like your about 4x4x8'ish if you go with two you might think about a 600w. you'll need a fresh air supply or some type of co2 set up at least one fan per level,exit air line some type of air cleaning system. I mix my fresh air with house air to keep temps level also fans to push the cool tubes.


Well-Known Member
I like the two level idea. With the mothers, clones and veg below and above have the flowering ladies.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I would lose the table. Split the room long wise into 2 rooms. On the left you got your veg under a 400 and on your right you got your flower under a 6oo. Use vented hoods, cool tubes are good and run them together. Use one fan and and outake through an ozone generator. Vent and cooling and smell are your 2nd thing to manage and easy. Just got to decide some small things.

I am vegging 4 trees in 7 gallons and flowering 4 trees in 7 gallons. Very easy. Under a led/400 and a 600 digi. Very cool.


Bought a 1000w hps and am going to do a scrog grow from some cuttings to get a hold of it. Will vent with 4" tube and fan. I think I will take out the table and just do the grow at floor level.

Will I need to have a fan bringing fresh air into the room?
Also, have a roomate living upstairs that I am trying to keep out of the know for as long as possible. Any fan recommendations that aren't too loud?


Well-Known Member
okay that 1000watter is gonna raise temps like a mother...i know that for sure..cause im runnin 1 now. buy a the 6'' green can fan from silent and will do the job ...only like 100-140usd.. if ur hood is 4'' come out into the can fan w. a 6* 2* 4 reducer...and up and out u go to somewhere i hope...:) edit: and yes u still need fresh air...if its passive ...meaning the can fan is slurping outside air in2 ur better be cool basement stater or you will probably need a dedicated intake