Ready to Cut Her Yet?

hello, this is my 1st grow and this girl is 75days + is she ready to harvest and smoke?

im unsure what to do with her now. let it grow more?

i can get more pics.

many thanks.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty friggin' close. But she's still throwing out white pistils, which indicates she could go a bit longer. That's an auto, right? What strain? Looks good.
yeh its an auto under two 45w cfls and two 24w cfls. in a grow box :D its a afgan kush ryder

it is still pumping out new leaves and stuff i worked out its actually 95days+

so are we thinking 2 more weeks?? should i just cut the cola and then let the bottom of the plant grow out?

so wait for the hairs to come back in.. and when there is no more growth of new white hair tips?

i dont mind waiting... i want to get every gram i can from her :D


Well-Known Member
Hey that looks pretty good for something you grew under the matress.
I see pistils have retracted. Calyxs have swollen. Can't see trich color but it looks like you're pretty darn close.
I wouldn't wait more than a week.
It was just in a little grow box i made with some CFL's.

when i come to cutting her... can i cut the main cola only? and hope the rest will grow more? or cut all in one hit?