ready to flower. 2 months in. first grow. help.


New at growing. Plants ready to flower. What are YOUR methods of getting your soil indoor plants ready to flower? Do I need to trim the plants? How do I get this started? How often are you watering your plants? We have an 1000watt HPS. They also seem to be burning, it might be nutes or lack of water... how far should the light be from the plants at this stage? Been looking up info online, but I want info straight from the sources of the pros. PLEASE HELP. Pictures attached

why are my plants yellowing?

and what about trimming my plants?




Well-Known Member
First DON'T trim

second tell us more

what nutes?
what soil?
how are you currently watering?
are you checking ph? what is it?

damage looks more like a nute burn than a light burn by the way


First DON'T trim

second tell us more

what nutes?
what soil?
how are you currently watering?
are you checking ph? what is it?

damage looks more like a nute burn than a light burn by the way
Im using general hydroponics, Flora Gro till now, i was using 1ml per quart, roughly up until now, feeding 2x a week usually.

using a 2gallon hose sprayer....

miracle grow moisture control/ miracle grow organic choice/perlite

i havent been checking ph, do I check the soil? or the water?


Well-Known Member
Stop the super thrive completely, that is the problem, superthrive is not a nute and used wrong will kill em fast

because you are using MG moisture control (bad idea) flushing is not the answer here, so instead slow down your watering and don't feed for 3 or 4 days then feed 1/4 strength veg nutes (we need to green em back up a bit)


ok gonna stop the superthrive and slow down on the nutes..

I trimmed off all the yellow or very light green/yellow leaves. was that a good call?


Well-Known Member
They will be fine. Give them a small shot of Nitrogen...... This will keep them greener for longer. Yellowing of some leaves is the plant getting rid of some of the oldish leaves in its natural cycle of life. You should be ok to just pull the yellow leaves.

Looking good mate. Keep up the good work...



Well-Known Member
toss in some lime,I'm sure MG does'nt have any in it.You can also super crop style, that main branch,and cut off the 4 lower branches.Do that now,and start 12/12,in a week.78F is perect for day,night 68F.


Well-Known Member
I always cut off the lower branches 2weeks b4 I flower.I sure they'll be fine with 1 week,from the time you cut.Dont trim any leaves,it slows they down.


this is the other plant in my grow, its a G13, i only have one of these at the moment. the rest of the ones i have are Blue Dream,

so whats causing the brown spots? is it a nutrient deficiency?

the healthy looking leaf is what about 60% of the leafs on this plant look like. the rusty ones are the older lower 40%

thanks for the help guys!

Again, MG with super thrive and general hyrdoponics FloraGro, about 1.5 ML per quart of each



Should I add this secondary nutrient at this point?

I have not added any of these nutes or any similar nutes (Ca, Mg, Fe) until now.
just NPK,

should I add Ca, Mg,Fe in small amounts and nothing else (NPK) but clean water to see if my plants are nutirent deficient in Ca,Mg,Fe???

Thanks guys.....


I took these 10 mins ago

stopped feeding super thrive and flora gro from general hydroponics, NPK...

its a 2-1-6 solution, should i be using a 20-10-10 solution btw?

Ive been feeding straight water for the last couple of days, the soil is pretty damp so im not watering for the next couple days to let the soil dry

here are some pics...

I'm waiting for them to get green again before i start flowering? they have been vegging for 8+ weeks under 4 T12 flourescent bulbs 24-0.....

Should I add some straight Nitrogen and some secondary nutes that i have yet to add any of? (Ca,Mg,Fe)

what is causing the plants to turn light green? notice its the newish leaves that are light green not the early leaves, they are in 5 gallon pots should i transplant to 15 gallon pots?




Well-Known Member

I'm not a hydro guy, but the general rule of thumb is that you want higher N values during veg, and higher P during flowering. The problem with most nutes that are supposed to be designed for cannabis is that they sacrifice the plants overall health chasing bud production by giving too little N and too much P. If i were you i would go to something close to a 2-1-1 ratio to green them back up, then use something with higher P once your into flowering. I use two different nutes for soil- One is a 7-9-5 thats good for the last weeks of vegging and as a base during flowering, then the other is a 10-30-20 that I mix (at about 1/2 strength) with the first one starting during week 2 of flowering. I don't use nutes at all during the first 3 weeks or so of vegging because the soil I use has more then enough nutes
to carry my plants for that long without anything more then plain water.


so should i add nitrogen only as a nutrient ?

or nitrogen with secondary nutes that i posted above? magical?

no one wants to help anymore? Im gonna post pictures when i start flowering and keep everyone updated....

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
hey saw this thread and noticed your pics---The stems look Purple, you need to water with ph balanced H20 get 2 meters. These are the most used and should be the best garden equipment. This is where you strip bolts or strip pinks son,
I get chills thinkin of racing---who loved the ballad of ricky bobbie?
Oh and a wet soil Ph meter. Even if the nutrients are present she cannot draw them in if she is in the wrong soil/ acid or alkaline.
That last meter is about 7 bucks at the Garden center it has 3 functions Light Ph and moisture which it looks like you need. The other one or the first one is about 35 bucks and up for a decent one. Do not buy a Chinese one as I did it will be a waste of money and time.