Ready to flower? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple pictures of a few of the girls. I am ready to flower soon. I always hold myself back. I usually force flowering at a foot tall. Just seeing what ya think... any input or advice is appreciated. The strain of these are purple kush. They are a foot tall.bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Very nice looking plants. you should flower super soon or they will get too high. I waited till 10" on my current grow then flowered and now they are about 48''. But its totally up to you and how big of a space you have to grow them in.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply. I totally hear ya on the growing of the plants in flowering. My main thing right now is that they are only in one gallon pots, I still got to transplant them into the three gallon pots before I flower. Even then you suppose to wait two weeks after a transplant, but I doubt I'm waiting that long.


Active Member
Purple kush is supposed to be a short plant right? Four feet seems really stretchy, what sort of lighting were you using?

I would like to subscribe to this thread but I can never remember how. Would you mind telling me how I do this?


Well-Known Member
Right now they are under a 400 watt HPS, but I will also turn on the 1000 watt HPS when I force flowering. I have some other strains that I grew along with the purple kush and the other strains where all taller, but I never looked into the purple kush strain to know it was suppose to be short. The guy I got the strain from has a lot of diff. strains and has a pretty big opp.(it's legal though he is a care giver.) He told me it was purple kush, it was by far my favorite strain out of what I got from him so I continue to grow it. I too have trouble finding how to subscribe. Good luck and thanks for you input!!

By the way the big plant in the picture. It has been vegging for a while. It was involved in a moving of houses and I wasn't gonna just flower one plant so I let it veg... Kind of an expierement as this is only my third grow.


Active Member
On your last grow how tall was it when you started flowering and how tall at harvest? What did you like about it? I'm getting some for my next grow (a couple months out) along with kushage and romulan x kush. How was the purp yield and did it show much purple in the buds? Thanks


i dont think those kushes will stretch to bad. you can flower now. if you have more then 3 plants then yeah flower now


Well-Known Member
To be honest some buds have a light tint of purple to them, but not like a strong purple ya know? The leaves are just really dark and at a point late in flower they look purple. The yield is pretty good. When I flower at a foot tall I usually good 1-1/2 oz dry. The cola is never very big, just about the same size as the rest of the buds. The whole plant just produces nice dense buds and they are all very similar in size. I was worried my last grow because none of the colas were big, but turned out fine. My first grow I only had one PK and I cloned the shit out of it so I figured it just had a bad yield because the cola wasn't bigger then the rest of the buds... Haha. I will try to get some more pics this grow to throw up here and show ya!! Thanks all.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
hay man dont worry about transplanting before flowere i transplant the day of and there are no problems. just dont disturd the root mass. the tallest one will be problem because you will have to keep the light higher up just for that one plant making the outhers stretch for it when they shouldnt have too. you could top it to match the hieght of the others it would make for a learning exsperience. just my thoughts hope it might give some ideas.


Active Member
i will put multiple plants in plantable pots and put all these smaller pots in a big square container with soil mix below...this helps to keep a large # in a small space and also so u can just yank males and then put in own pots at flowering(for the stank hoes)

arizona jim

Well-Known Member
hay man dont worry about transplanting before flowere i transplant the day of and there are no problems. just dont disturd the root mass. the tallest one will be problem because you will have to keep the light higher up just for that one plant making the outhers stretch for it when they shouldnt have too. you could top it to match the hieght of the others it would make for a learning exsperience. just my thoughts hope it might give some ideas.

you could just set the other two smaller plants on top of a cinderblock or something to even it out and not have them strech!


Well-Known Member
Gotta show love to Eazy E. Haha. Anyways I started flowering. They are in 3 gallon pots. I will post pictures soon.