Ready to Flower?


Im about 4.5 weeks into veg and im thinking that its about time to switch. They are all a little smaller than I was hoping for but I was told they will almost double in size once they switch to 12/12. They are all a little shy of a foot tall and they all seem to be pretty healthy. Do you guys think I should wait a little while longer or switch them?

2012-01-25 11.46.00.jpg

This is my first grow so im not really sure as to what to look for as signs for when things need to be done. I was told when I switch to flower to use maxsea bloom for my food and big bud about halfway through the flowering cycle, has anyone used these had good/bad results. Any input is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
depending on how much space youre working with, sure flower them.
i use miracle gro colorburst bloombooster while flowering. thats worked fine for me. good luck.


Well-Known Member
I would wait, if they are only going to double in size then they will only be 2 feet.. if you have 6 feet to work with why not let them get a bit bigger?


Well-Known Member
those are big pots too, should be able to support a larger plant, Of course it depends on what your lighting is, if you have weak lights then flower now. Also the more plant you have in that space the more important ventilation becomes


Active Member
u have 4 plants right ? i would veg for another week then go 12/12 just cuz ur only working with 4x2 space and depending on the strain they could double or triple in size ....


That was the plan I was thinking of giving them one more week then switching. I just made up a batch of veg food and didnt want to waist it all haha. and yes just 4 plants. I keep the closet door open most of the time when they are awake to keep a fresh air source all the time because of the small space


any opinions on a good flower food? The place I go doesnt have the maxsea bloom I was told to get and im sure there are other things that work as good or better.


Im gonna be switching over on wednesday to flower, I still havent picked up any flower food yet. Ive been reading around and havent been able to find much as to a favorite for a lot of people. it seems that everyone just uses different things. My question is when I switch from veg to flower should I use just water for awhile before I start whatever food I end up with to flush the veg food out or should I just continue on my normal cycle with the flower food in place of the veg food?


should I get the fox farm big bloom? or a different one? I have seen that one for sure where I get my supplies from


Well-Known Member
Don't forget that if your going 12/12 in a week now would be a good time to a) make some clones b) Trim the lower don't have tons. with a 600 you should be pretty good. IF it ain't going to produce shit or has to grow 2 feet to the left to get light...axe it..


Well-Known Member
give them another week or maybe 2.

either top or fim them now or when you switch to 12/12, to give yourself 2 or 4 main colas. With that 600 you be able to get some nice ones.
If you fim/top now, yougive them a chance to recover and start growing the new shoots before flower. Then after the switch they will stretch and fill the shoots out with nice buds for you.

When the lower shoots grow up event hem with the rest of the canopy so everythings as even as you can get it.


a lot of the growth I have is coming from the bottom. Im afriad if I cut that away I wont have much left of the plant. I can take some pics to show what im talking about. I dont plan on doing any clones this time around maybe my next grow so this one is just gonna harvested. I have a steady source where I can get ahold of clones so im not too worried about it.


here is the base of one of them, see how a lot of the growth is coming from the bottom 1/3? thats why I havent cut off the bottom branches because so much is coming from there. Will I benefit from cutting away so much of the plant? It seems like I would take away a lot of potential budding points