Ready to Harvest?


Day 57 from flip? If so probably two weeks left. Check the trichromes and see if they have started to change from cloudy to amber. If they are you are close. Any still clear and she is no where near ready IMO


Also first few weeks of flowering don't count, they are for the plant to get into flowering mode, stretch out etc


Well-Known Member
Hello, can someone help me with this lady. These photographs are 5 days old. First time grower.

This is a pure landrace pure sativa grown outdoors in potted soil
Start your own thread with better pictures. Whole plant and the bud.

When you jump into someone else's thread asking your own questions it's considered bad etiquette and things can also get confusing quick. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Start your own thread with better pictures. Whole plant and the bud.

When you jump into someone else's thread asking your own questions it's considered bad etiquette and things can also get confusing quick. Good luck.

Sure, sorry. I did not wanted to spam threads as most blogs want you to use previously similar asked questions. I will delete my questions here and start a new thread. Thanks