Ready to harvest?

Your buds aren’t ripe yet…..let all the white pistils turn orange/brown and recede. Once they all turn, then u can start looking at trichs.
Those Buds have some swelling left to do and you don’t wanna chop them before it happens.
Give them 2 solid weeks and check back if you’re unsure.
Coming back here guys. I actually harvested the plant and got a good amount of weed of it. I am very satisfied keeping in mind it is my first grow.
I do have a second plant coming in now and wanted to ask you guys how much longer do you think this one got?


Show some self control and let the plant get ripe….you’ll be damn glad u did. Easy as pie to do……just wait until all white pistils have turned orange/brown and receded back into the calyces. Not only will you experience next level from the previous immature buds, but they will really fatten up and increase your yield.
It looks like u have a green thumb and are good at this…..and I don’t mean to bust your balls….I know it’s hard to wait. Nice looking buds and check back in about 3 weeks.
I always think some of these people are cash cropping is it ready yet pish, we should just say yes and let them lose out on weight & cash lol. Not saying Johnny cash is though by the looks of it.