Hey man, people usually give you the best advice according to their understanding and abilities. There’s no rule that you have to take it. Your plants and your choice on how to grow them. It can be some tough love on this site on occasion but it’s all well intended. The upshot is there are some very knowledgeable growers here who are very generous with their time and wisdom. I’m not on that list by the way.
I may have it wrong but the second plant is still growing and showing some leaf issues….?
While healthy leaves are the lifeblood of the plant, when it comes down to the nut-cut you are not harvesting and smoking fan leaves. At this stage of the grow if your buds are looking good and moving towards the finish line it’s not a big issue.
I would remove the dead stuff…..it is an invite for various problems like pathogens and insects and looks a bit unkept.
I still see some fresh (and healthy) white hairs, so I’d try to let it grow until they color up and recede a little.
Good luck and despite the tough love approach, I do believe the point hit home with authority….that being you’ll get no attention or be taken seriously if you live on a diet of green tomatoes.
FYI, green tomatoes happens to be my analogy for immature bud. You can eat them but they won’t be anything like a plump red and ripe one.
Good luck and I’d like to get a harvest report.