Ready to harvest?

Thanks to whoever gave a serious answer. So I'm guessing the plant is sick if not ready yet. I have a lot of leaves in the inner plant of the plant wilted completely. At rhis rate I would say im 2 days half of the leaves will be gone
Thanks to whoever gave a serious answer. So I'm guessing the plant is sick if not ready yet. I have a lot of leaves in the inner plant of the plant wilted completely. At rhis rate I would say im 2 days half of the leaves will be gone
Are you currently flushing the plant? And if so stop now.
Thats my only guess if your near harvest And havent changed anything else.
I am not flushing, have not really changed anything. Had a busy week and did not give it much attention but still watered as usual and did not change anything
Ok. Im a newer grower myself so take this with a grain of salt, but i think you have abit too much nitrogen going on and not enough potassium.

I dont know what your growing in so i cant really offer a solution, but thats my other guess.
I ask advice and take that advice and add it to a lot of other factors like personal needs, family needs, life schedule and a lot others and based on that make an informed decision. I made a decision to cut my plant because it was the best thing for me. I don't see why we bicker and make a fuss out of this
Ok. Im a newer grower myself so take this with a grain of salt, but i think you have abit too much nitrogen going on and not enough potassium.

I dont know what your growing in so i cant really offer a solution, but thats my other guess.
I thought of that but don't see how it can be. I feed a predominantly potassium and phosphorus, have done so since they started veg. I grow in soil.
I ask advice and take that advice and add it to a lot of other factors like personal needs, family needs, life schedule and a lot others and based on that make an informed decision. I made a decision to cut my plant because it was the best thing for me. I don't see why we bicker and make a fuss out of this
If you would have originally included all of those factors, you may have gotten different responses.
I ask advice and take that advice and add it to a lot of other factors like personal needs, family needs, life schedule and a lot others and based on that make an informed decision. I made a decision to cut my plant because it was the best thing for me. I don't see why we bicker and make a fuss out of this
I wouldn't worry too much about it dude its all good. Rui get a lot of is this ready yet! Most of the people give good sound advice on here. they're your plants do as you wish with them. Maybe next time you could explain the reasons why you want to harvest and people could maybe have guided you in other ways. Happy growing!
So what you are saying is that everybody here is 5 years old and if their advice is not taken as law they get upset?
No. Not at all. I gave you solid advise. 2 more weeks. I had not a dime of info more to go off of. You ask how long. People tell you. You do your own thing anyhow. Why waste the time to answer when you started off your membership ignoring the advise given. Now. If you had included a tad more info. The responses would prolly be a lot different. My apologies if I came off wrong. Wasn my intentions
So what you are saying is that everybody here is 5 years old and if their advice is not taken as law they get upset?

No what he is saying is this.

1. you ask for advice.
2. advice is given
3. Advice is not followed
4. People stop giving advice to you.

with older leaves being affected by the issue I would be leaning towards an immobile nutrient issue

Calcium (Ca) Iron (Fe) Zinc (Zn) Copper (Cu) Manganese (Mn) Boron (B) or Molybdenum (Mo)

Also too much P and K can have antagonistic response if levels are too high.
Hey man, people usually give you the best advice according to their understanding and abilities. There’s no rule that you have to take it. Your plants and your choice on how to grow them. It can be some tough love on this site on occasion but it’s all well intended. The upshot is there are some very knowledgeable growers here who are very generous with their time and wisdom. I’m not on that list by the way.
I may have it wrong but the second plant is still growing and showing some leaf issues….?
While healthy leaves are the lifeblood of the plant, when it comes down to the nut-cut you are not harvesting and smoking fan leaves. At this stage of the grow if your buds are looking good and moving towards the finish line it’s not a big issue.
I would remove the dead stuff… is an invite for various problems like pathogens and insects and looks a bit unkept.
I still see some fresh (and healthy) white hairs, so I’d try to let it grow until they color up and recede a little.
Good luck and despite the tough love approach, I do believe the point hit home with authority….that being you’ll get no attention or be taken seriously if you live on a diet of green tomatoes.
FYI, green tomatoes happens to be my analogy for immature bud. You can eat them but they won’t be anything like a plump red and ripe one.
Good luck and I’d like to get a harvest report.
Thanks for the responses guys. I get your point about the advice taking discussion and no point on taking it further.
Alright, so then I will cut down all the dead leaves and keep going at it normally and see how she does in a couple of days.
And maybe not feed it anymore in case it was too much.