Ready to harvest???


Is she ready to harvest she's a 12/12 from seed its my 1st grow I need as much advice as possible and how do you cut the plant and what's the best method of curing advice greatly appreciated


i generally take as many leaves off 24 hours prior to harvest. use a mignifine glass to see the trichomes if more than 50 % are smokey and milky its time to cutt. also if about 50 % of your hairs turn color its getting close too. Cut the plant and break it off into branches, hang it for 9 days (preferrably in your grow room) then cure it in a jar and crack the jar about once a day there are many methods but these are mine and i get boooomb
NO! u need 100% darkness preferably in your grow tent you used with fans going on and off a dehumidifier could be nice to suck out the moisture and speed up process check daily and feel for crunchiness on your leaves and your normal grow enviornment works great 65-75 are prime temperatures


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look anywhere near ready to me, judging by the photo you posted. And after cutting they do not need 100% darkness. Direct, bright light isn't good, but normal ambient lighting in a room will not hurt the cut buds. You can trim before or after drying, your choice, most trim before, or at least a good trimming then really get it good after drying. Depending on the humidity, drying can take anywhere from 3-10 days, mine are typically ready for jarring after two or three days hanging. Once they are jarred you'll want to "burp" them a few times a day by taking the lid off for about 30-60 minutes. This is basically only needed for the first 10-14 days. It helps release the trapped moisture from the jar, lets fresher, dryer air in, and helps to rid the bud of that chlorophyl smell, or hay, or fresh cut grass smell that some people get. Once yourbud reaches your desired dry/moist level, you can cut back on the burping to maybe once a day, again, just to let some fresher air in and release any undesired aroma.Usually, after a good two week to a month cure, it's good to smoke. I personally won't touch mine untill at least a month to 6 weeks cured. After you have obtained what you want as far as moisture/dryness, seal those babies up and you're good to go, no more burping, just reach in, grab a few nuggets and enjoy the fruits of your labor.